Thursday, November 28, 2013

Casting Our Cares on Him

1 Peter 5: 7 “casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you.”- 

Life is full of cares. All that walk this journey of life will have cares that will weigh heavy on the heart and bring stress to the mind and soul. there are billions of people that walk the path of life and all seek to find relief from the cares of life. Many will turn the elements of the world and arm of flesh to find solace with the cares of life. But God, who know the very hairs on our head desires that we cast all of our cares on Him. He knows what we are going through, He know the road we have taken and His only desire is that we seek Him to lead us down the path He has chosen for us. Casting our cares on Him is to cast our hearts into His care that He will see us through no matter the situation or circumstances we face in life. We have a God who loves us and only wants what is best for our life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Romans 1-3

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth”- It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is able to set  the sinner free from the life of sin. In a world that mocks the faith of Christians and their belief in God’s Word, a Christian that will stand for truth will make no apologies for their faith. There will come a day when every knee will bow at the feet of Jesus and confess that He is Lord, but their confession will be too late. In the face of ridicule and mockery, the righteous man will by faith stand for the righteousness of God and it’s power to give new life to all who will bow the knee of their own free will. (Rom 1a)
“he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and whose circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, and whose praise is not from men, but from God.”- It is the heart that is the issue. Keeping the law and obeying the letter of the law is to be admonished, but the secret to spiritual life is the cleansing and purifying of the heart of men through the blood of Christ. Our acceptance with God is not filter through the judgment of men, but through a God who is all knowing and is able to discern the attitudes and motives of the heart. It is the approbation of God we desire and not the approval of men. (Rom 2)
“for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”- It matters not who your parents are, or your “royal” blood that runs in your family. Everyone born into this world is lost and without God. His grace covers those who have not reach the point accountability, but nevertheless, humanity in all of it’s efforts to obtain God’s favor, still fall short of God’s required atonement for sin. No man is righteous within himself, righteousness come only from God who is holy. But, thank God provision has been made and we can find God’s glory through Christ Jesus. (Rom 3)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Acts 24-25

“When I have a convenient occasion I will call for thee.”- Many of those who live lives of comfort, live life’s of convenience. We like to put things off till it suits our schedule or our mood. In matters that don’t affect eternal choices or life’s journey, it may be just fine to have such care free attitude. But, decisions that affect our eternal destiny, a convenient time may never arise again. Putting off a vital relationship with God is not in our best interest. The Word still speaks, “Now is the time to seek the Lord”. Tomorrow may never come. (Act 24)
“To the Jews have I done no wrong”- Accusations will always be made from those who find fault with your actions. Some accusations are complete made up and others have enough truth in it that it would seem believable. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He desire to do harm to one’s reputation and influences. In many situations, we leave such accusations with God, but there are times when it is right to stand up for truth. Let the Holy Spirit lead if you should stand or let it fall on deaf ears. (Acts 25a)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Acts 18

“expounded unto him the Way of God more perfectly.”- There is always room to grow and learn more about God. Learning to walk with God is a journey with many events and experiences. Having the knowledge that Jesus died for our sins and that through His death we can have our sins forgiven is our first awakening to new spiritual life. The Spirit is faithful to led us, if we are willing to follow into a Way more perfect. The promise of the Father is for all who believe. The Comforter desires to abide in His fullness to give us the power to live a life of holiness. In the human, we our weak and incapable to live more perfectly, but with God, all things are possible. For it is He who give us the grace we need to walk in the Way more perfectly. (Acts 18)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Acts 17

“they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so.”- We must be ever mindful that we don’t believe everything we hear. There are many false prophets that teach doctrine that is not consistent with the Scriptures. There are those who have been deceived by Satan into accepting a doctrine that is not consistent with holy living. When all possible, we should search the Scripture to validate what we hear from the pulpit or from one who says that they are a messenger of God. We must always be diligent and not be led astray by those who desire a form of godliness, but deny the power of the Holy Spirit to keep them from sin and unrighteousness. (Acts 17)
“The times of this ignorance God overlooked, but now He commandeth all men everywhere to repent”- We will some day stand before God to give an account of what we know to be true. God’s judgment is tempered by our ignorance to truth. He is faithful to speak in some form or another to all who live, and God who knows the heart will have the final say. It is our responsibility to respond to truth when it is brought to our conscience. When darkness becomes light, we as Christians are admonished to walk in it. (Acts 17b)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Act 17

“Come over into Macedonia and help us.”- The Spirit is faithful to guide and direct our path. His voice is often heard in various manifestations. Circumstances often dictate the decision we make and the course that we take. The needs of the world are all around us and there is no possible way to answer the call to meet every need, but God often will burden our hearts to hear the call for help, He often will impress on our hearts a burden to assist and reach out. It is so important that we be sensitive to His calling and answer the call when He speaks. (Acts 16)
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”- The most important question that a person can ask.   In light of eternity, there is no greater question that on can ask. Within these words rest the salvation of soul and eternal life. It is the difference between living with Jesus forever, or being separated from God in hell. Ultimately, every man, women, and child who is of an accountable age, will come to this crossroads in their life. The answer comes to people a different ways, but the root of the answer is always the same. Believe in Jesus! This is the foundation of the Christian Faith. Believe in His death and resurrection. Believe in His teaching, believe that He is God in the flesh come to bring salvation to a world of darkness. (Acts 16b)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Acts 14-15

“We also are men of like passions as you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God” It is always dangerous to exalt men, and elevating them to a status of “God” A true vessel of God will rebuke anyone who attempts to let others lift them up. People have an tendency to create heroes and idolize individuals. We must always be aware that it is God who exalts and brings down the statue of man. It is incumbent that we always have an attitude of submission, giving glory to God in all that happens to us and in us. (Act 14)
“And God, who knoweth the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as He did unto us and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.”- Who really knows the heart of men except God! Before the Holy Spirit is given, one must believe that Jesus Christ is God and He died for their sins. It is God who knows if one truly believes. A true believer is now in the position to receive the Holy Spirit, making them holy consecrated to serve God. It is not up to man to judge the validity of God’s filling, but God who may choose to reveal it to men, is the only one who can truly vouch that a heart has been purified by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 15)
“the contention was so sharp between them that they parted asunder,”-The Lord’s work often requires that we part ways with those that we have built relationships with. Paul and Barnabas spent a year together working side by side growing in the grace of God and working together in His kingdom. He who knows the working of men’s heart calls those to service for a special task. We must be willing to part company if the calling of God takes us another direction. It is never pleasant to have strong disagreements among those you have develop strong bonds and relationship with. The reality of life is that no one will always see things the same way. It is hard to imagine that Paul and Barnabas could not have worked something out to avoid such a dramatic parting. But, such was the case between these two holy men of God. Nevertheless, I believe that it is almost always beneficial to work out a solution if possible. If this is not possible, then parting may be the only alternative to keep the work of God from become stalemated and contentions. Unity is critical if the work of God is to continue on. (Acts 15b)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Acts 11-13

 “the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning”.- Receiving the Holy Spirit is not indiscriminately given to anyone for the taking. It is for all who are will to be used of God and live a life to glorify God. The Holy Spirit fell on the believers who were filled with the power of God to do might works for Him. The Holy Spirit falls on us to give us the power to live a life that is pleasing to Him and to give us the boldness to do His will. (Act 11)
“but prayer was made without ceasing by the church unto God for him.”- Circumstances in life often put us in situations that are hard to understand. Doing the will of God often will require us to suffer things that we normally could have avoided. How important it is that we pray for those who are going through difficult times. We are often in the dark knowing what God’s will is, but we still need to pray for God to give grace to those who are going through times of trail and tribulation. (Acts 12)
“Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”-   Being singled out for ministry is God’s calling. He has a calling for everyone to be set apart to work His Kingdom. May we be in a spiritual condition that He can call us to work in His vineyard. (Acts 13)
“It was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you. But seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” - The Jews rejected the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ. God gave them their opportunity to repent and turn to God, but their self righteousness kept them from humbling themselves before God. The Gospel light is given to mankind both Jews and Gentiles alike. God is no respecter of person, salvation is to any who will turn to Jesus, but rejection of this gift has it’s consequences. May we always receive His grace with praise and thanksgiving. (Act 13b)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Acts 10

 “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.”- We often get trapped in our own little box trying to figure out how things should be. Influence by our past experiences and training, we see things with a slanted prospective. God does not limit His work in our box, He is not necessarily displeased with our box, but neither does He want us to be constrained and trapped by it’s limitations. Peter had to get out of his own little world and open his eyes to the world that God wanted him to see.  Moving outside of our little world does not mean we throw away the things that God has given us, it just mean we should allow God to expand our horizons and be ready to be led by God even if it means we have to work outside of our comfort zone. (act 10a)
“In truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”- The culture in most parts of the world very often develop into social classes. The hierarchy of social communities give greater privileges to those who have royal blood, money, or who obtained fame. Greater respect and honor are given to those with such position, but in the eyes of God all men are equal. All men are born in sin and are lost without God. God does not favor people based on their wealth or position in life. All is made equal at the cross. All men will bow the knee to Christ, and all men will be judge according to the condition of their heart. (act 10b)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Acts 9

The power of God to change a life. How awesome it is to see and witness take a person who is lost and and blinded to spiritual things, have his eyes open and see Jesus for who He is. The conversion of Saul of Tarsus turned the world upside down. The greatest missionary that ever lived was sent forth to suffer for Christ that the Name of Christ may be lifted up and glorified. Seeing Jesus, He fell on the ground and turned His life over to Christ. Being blind for 3 days, Paul then experience the in filling of the Holy Spirit in all of it’s power. He became one of the greatest men to experience God’s grace and lead the world to His saving grace. (acts9)
The power of God to heal the sick and and bring life to the dead is manifested in times past to show the Glory of God and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Such demonstration was seen in the days of Peter and Paul for a specific purpose and reason. God is still able to perform such miracles, but the Holy Spirit now uses the Word to speak and deal with the souls of men. We still see on occasion the true healing of God to heal the leper and to make the cripple walk again, but the greatest miracle is to see God open the blinded eyes of those who are lost in sin and need to find their way out. Amazing grace, that saved a wrench like. I once was blind, but now I see. I once was crippled, but now I walk, I once was dead in trespasses and sins, but now I live my life in Christ. (Acts 9b)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Acts 26-28

“Thou almost persuadest me to be a Christian.”- How sad to come to the edge of eternal destiny, only to fall short after being convince of the truth. It is not unusual for one to know what is true, but is unwilling to take action on the truth in a positive way. To be persuaded is to embrace the truth and believe it not only in mind, but in heart. When facing God at the judgment, “almost” will not be good enough. May we be altogether persuaded that Jesus is the Christ, who died for our sins. May we embrace this to our hearts. (Act 26b)
“be of good cheer, for I believe God”- Knowing the will of God is to know peace and contentment. The storms of life will cause our little boat of life to rock and life’s future becomes unpredictable. There are times in our humanity that we make bad choices, against better judgement we launch out into the deep without any consideration to the warning of danger. But, God is a merciful God who will give us cheer if we but believe that He will see us through. With resolution, we can say, “I believe God” no matter how things turn out. (Acts 27) 
“Unless these remain in the ship, ye cannot be saved.”- It not always easy to stay on board when thing don’t look good. Survival is our human instinct. We are prone to jump ship when things get tough and it would appear that our situation is hopeless. Know when to jump and when to stay on board requires that we listen to the voice of God. Be mindful of his Spirit. He knows best when it is time to jump ship or to hold on and wait for God work the situation out. (Act 27b) 
“And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not”- All humanity were predestine to serve and love their Maker. It is the will of God that all would come to Christ and receive atonement. But, man has a free will and is given the option to go against the will of God. Some hear the Word of God and receive it gladly and walk in the light of His will, other turn their backs on God’s will, desiring to live for self will and choose not to believe God. The choice is ours to make. (Acts 28)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Acts 5-8

It is one thing to lie to man and be guilt of baring false witness, but to lie to God is blaspheme. The consequences of trying to deceive the Holy Spirit is a punishment of death and total separation from God. The Holy Spirit is not to be grieved if one is to find favor with God. Honesty is the best policy when dealing with the Holy Spirit. A sincere and contrite spirit God will not reject. May I always be sensitive to His Spirit as He deals with me and leads me on my journey to heaven. (act 5) 
Act 6-7) ?
What does it mean to believe or love with all your heart? From the heart the real issues of life spring forth. It is the heart that represents the passion and love that one shows toward on object. To love Jesus with all your heart means that nothing else in life matters as long as you can please the love of your life. To believe or love with all your heart indicates that there is no sharing of your affections with anyone else. it reveals that there is no reservations, no doubt, no hesitation to trust God. It is full abandonment of faith in a living God who will do what He says he will do. To believe with all your heart is to be willing to die for that belief and suffer any consequences because God has sealed His promise to your heart that He will do what He says He will do. (Acts8)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Acts 3-4

The works of the Holy Spirit once again is manifested through Peter and John. The power to heal was not derived from any righteousness of Peter or John. They gave their lives to be used as instruments in the hands of God. Their lives were yielded to the Holy Spirit who used them to heal the lame man who sat by the gate of Beautiful. It is dangerous to start to think that we in our own power can do anything of worth when it comes to the Salvation of men. It is through the fruit of the Spirit in ours lives that God is able to touch others for Jesus. May we always submit ourselves to God, so that He can use us to touch souls that need God. (Act 3)
If one is to be a true follower of Jesus and His teachings, then one can only conclude that there is no other way to obtained salvation from sin unless one comes to Christ and confesses their sins and believes that Jesus is Savior of mankind who died to redeem man back to God. There is no other religion that will satisfied this requirement. A true believer does not believe that there are many ways to get to heaven. The Apostle Peter made it clear to the the ruler of the Jews, that unless they confess Christ, there is no other way to know the Father. Such is the position of Christianity. Not arrogant, but faithful to the Word of God who spoke of this while He walked the dusty roads of earth. (Act 4)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Acts 1-2

Jesus made a promise that He would send the Holy Spirit to baptized His follows with the fire of God. Jesus keeps His promises, but promises are often followed by conditions. Wait in Jerusalem, tarry and pray. The Holy Ghost did come and power was given to them to go forth to spread the gospel of Christ. (acts 1)

The experience that the disciples had on the day of Pentecost is claimed by some churches that the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit is to speak in tongues. This experiences also is used by the holiness church that there is an experience after being saved of the filling of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the Holy Spirit filling the believer is symbolized in the way the Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. The cloven tongues of fire representing the baptism by fire of the purging of self desires and ambition. This is clearly seen in the change life of Peter as all self inhibitions are cast aside to declare the gospel of Jesus. Power of the Spirit was given to believers to speak boldly the things of God. The claiming of speaking in tongues as evidence is debunked by the fact that the gift was given for a specific purpose, since there were many there who spoke different languages. The experience of the filling of the Holy Spirit is real today. He still desires that those that follow Him be filled with the Holy Spirit that they may be led into all truth and to be controlled by His Power through the Spirit. (acts 2)

The assertive personality of Peter is now controlled by the Holy Spirit. He now is able to speak boldly the things that have happen and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without fear or favor of men. This is not the same Peter that hid behind the campfire outside of Pilot’s halls. The Holy Spirit gave Peter the power to speak the truth in the face of danger. The message was clear. Repent from ours sins, be baptized, and God will remove the penalty of sin and pay the debt that was charged to us because of sin that reigned in our hearts. After we do this, God will give us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, so we may live free from sin and be able to follow Jesus with all ours heart. (Act 2b)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

John 20-21

Some people are really hard headed, such was Thomas. Thomas is not alone when it comes to believing God. By nature, many of “us” are skeptical of things that we have not witness ourselves. Too many in our day have “visions” and hear voices that are not substantiality with valid evidence. The claims of Christ have been validated by the witness of the Father and sealed by the Spirit. What He says is true and what He does is to be believed. It is amazing how quickly Thomas believe when He heard the words spoken by Jesus. How quickly he was convinces that what he heard was true. Thomas was chastised for not believing, but thank God he was not cast aside. Failure to believe does not have to cause us to quit. Look to Jesus and start believing. (john20
Peter was once again put to the test. He did not forget his failure to stand for Jesus when it counted. Now, face to face with Jesus, he is being drilled concerning his love for his master. Knowing his past, he is grieved that Jesus would once again test his love and commitment. It was the third time that the question was posed to him. Peter remembered how Jesus had known that he would deny him, so he speaks with the knowledge that Jesus is able to read the motives of the heart. Jesus knows if we speak the truth, or if we speak only to appease our conscious. To love Jesus. will require more than just words, it will require a life time of service to feed the sheep of Christ (john21)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

John 18-19

It bobbles my mind to realize that God knows our every thought and knows the choices we will make before we even choose. This is known as the Omniscience power of the Holy God. Judas was not made to denied Christ just so that the scripture might be fulfilled, God knew that Judas would sell out cheap. Peter was not made to deny the Savior, but He knew that Peter would choose to deny that he was a follower of Jesus. What does God know about my choices. My heart’s desire is to always choose that which is right. In the foreknowledge of God, I trust that He will find me making the right choices to love and serve Him all the days of my life. (john18)
What is Truth? The question rings in the ears of men and women through out history. We all seek to know what is right and true. Like Pilot, we come face to face with Jesus, who reveals to each of our hearts what truth is. To live and follow the steps of Jesus is to live in truth, to do His will is to live a life of truth. (john18b)
The battle waged in the heart of Pilot. He was convince that this was more than a mere man. He too was almost persuaded to use his power to release Jesus from death roll, but self ruled in the heart of Pilot, his reputation was at stake and his allegiance to Caesar was challenged. To the very end, Pilot knew that Jesus was King. He was the king of Truth from another world. The shout of the Jews to Crucify Jesus will ring in the ears of Pilot for eternity. (john19)
the plan of salvation was completed as Jesus spoke His last words. “It is Finished”. The completion of the work of redemption came to an end. Jesus paid the ultimate price. He died to set men free from the death of sin. It is finished! We now can come boldly to the throne of God through Jesus Christ. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

John 16-17

The promise of the Father given to us by Jesus Christ is that the Holy Spirit would be sent to the world and the believers. The work of the Spirit to the world is to convince people that they are sinners and need a Savior, to show the power of God to reveal truth to those who are blinded by sin, and to bring an end to the work of Satan. The work to the believers is to guide them into all truth, to demonstrate the power of God to live a life of holiness by allowing the Spirit of God to dwell in the hearts of the believer. Such filling will empower the follower of Christ to live a life of full joy. The desire of the believer is to do the will of God. Asking Him for the things that please Him will bring fulfillment and everlasting joy. Fear not, by his Spirit there is nothing that a believer will not be able to overcome. (john 16)
In order to be set apart for the service of God, one must be fully consecrated to God. Sanctification is a work that is accomplished through the Word and the Word is Truth. It is the Spirit of God the leads believers in Truth. The prayer of Jesus was that those that choose to follow Him be sanctified, set apart to glorify Him. One cannot truly glorify God if they are living a self-center, self-serving life. Surrendering your life of all your desire and ambitions to God is to live the life of holiness. It all starts when the Holy Spirit leads us into the Truth of complete consecration to the whole will of God in sanctification. (john17)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

John 14-15

To have access to God the Father, there is only one way to enter into His presence . Jesus is the Door, the final Word, and the Resurrection. He and the Father are one and to see God the Father, one must see Jesus. He is the Way that leads us to Father, He is the truth that bare the witness to God, and He is the only one that can give eternal life, life everlasting. How marvelous, how miraculous is our Savior who provided a way of escape into a relationship with our creator. John 14
Abiding in Christ is the fulfillment of life’s ambition. To be connected to the real source of life is to know the meaning of Life. A disciple of Christ will bear the fruit from which it derives it’s life. The evidence of abiding in Him is demonstrated in the way we live our lives day by day. Showing forth the fruit of the Spirit, reflecting the image of Jesus, desiring to obey His commandments will be the standard by which one is judged. Such fruit is not possible unless one is abiding in Him and His word is abiding in their own hearts. If He is truly your friend, you will follow Him and do as He ask you to do. (John15)

Monday, June 3, 2013

John 12-13

(John 12a) ?

Walking in the light. Jesus is the light of the world that shines so that others may see through the darkness of the night. Darkness covers the whole earth, but Christ has put His light in our hearts that we also may shine for Him. Because we belong to Him, we are the children of the Light. As His child, we desire light rather than darkness. It is important that we continue to walk in the light of His presence, less we fall to the shadow of darkness that will try and distinguish the light in our hearts. (john12b)
Being a servant of Christ is more than sitting at His feet and worshiping Him. As wonderful as that is, a servant must be willing to follow the example of Christ. He showed the way and gave us the secret to servanthood. We can never be too big and too powerful that we should not be willing to serve anyone who appears to be of a different strip. When it comes to serving others, the social rank of society disappear, the playing field of God’s mercy and grace is leveled out. We pick up the wash basin and begin to wash the feet of anyone who is weary as they journey and travel this life. (john 13)
Christ gave a new commandment. A directive, a charge, an order. Some would even say that He shed new light to those who were called the children of light. To love someone, in spite of who they are or what they have done to you, goes against human nature. The evidence of one who is a follower of Christ is to be able to show love to all who are part of the body of Christ. Not always easy to show love when conflict of interest arises and differences of opinion are evident. But, one of the test of a true believer is to love in spite of it all. A commandment I cannot do on my own. I need his grace to give me the strength to love when it is most important to love. John13b

Friday, May 31, 2013

John 11

Experiencing a resurrection is the epitome of our existence. Christ is the champion of Life because He is Life. Outside of Him life is no more than lifeless existence and gratifying the lust desires of the flesh. This mortal fresh shall pass way, but the eternal spirit of the soul shall live through Him. Faith. The key that unlocks the mystery of life is found in Him who is the Resurrection and the Life that can take a person who is dead in trespasses and sin and raise him up to life everlasting.  (john 11)
Our faith often needs a boost. Wanting to believe and actually believing lead to two different ends. But, having a a desire to believe is a start. God can work in a heart that desires to believe. My human tendency is to draw back and think of practical solutions to life and use the resources that God has given us to solve issues and problems. But, there is only so much that can be done in the human, at some point I need the Lord to call out “Lazarus, come forth!” the situation does not look good, hurt and disappointments lead to discouragement. I need God to do a miracle, I know He can, but will He? (john 11b)
On of many paradoxes from the lips of Jesus is dying to live. In order to live a life that is fulfilling, one must first die to all selfish desires and ambitions. To be free to live a life pleasing to God, it is important that we lose ourselves in God. Dying to self is a foreign process and contrary to our human instincts. As Christ gave His life of His own free will, so must we be willing to give our lives if we hope to see life eternal. (john 11c)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

John 9-10

We were all born blind spiritually. The nature of sin that we all are born with puts a shadow over our eyes and we are not able to see the things of God. Jesus came into the world as the light of men to shine the light of God’s love to all who will heed and do His will. He desires to open the blinded eyes of humanity that they may see that they are lost in sin, yet can be healed to see the light of God and receive it. God touched my blinded eyes almost 40 years ago. My prayer is to be able to see how Jesus sees. “Give me more light that I may know how to manifest His love, grace, and mercy”. (John 9a)

When the eyes of our understanding are open, He becomes the whole of our life. We see Jesus, who takes away the darkness and cloud of doubt that causes us to fear and tremble. We believe because He opened our eyes so that the light of truth may enter in. Such wonderful sight, how amazing is the face of Jesus. No wonder we bow down and worship Him. Lord, I believe! (john9b)

The abundant life is given to us by the good Shepherd who is willing to give His life that His sheep may live. The abundant life is found in the pasture of God’s love. Finding this pasture is only gained when one goes through the door of Christ. The door that leads to the abundant life and life everlasting is Jesus. He is the only door given to us by the Father. Jesus desires more for us than just having our sins forgiven, He desires that we gaze in the pastures of land and living a life that is abundantly full of joy and happiness. Such is the life of one who lives for Him. (john10)
Those that call Him Father are His sheep. The sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd because they know that the shepherd will guide them and protect them from danger. The comfort to know that He also understands the need of His sheep and His power is able to keep anyone from doing harm to them. The promise of eternal life is given to them than put their trust in the Shepherd. Fear of perishing is removed and love and safely in the arms of Jesus is secured. (john10)

Friday, May 24, 2013

John 7-8

“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be from God, or whether I speak from Myself.” What is the will of God? Doing His will will open our hearts to the secrets of God that are hid to the natural man. God desires that we become more knowledgable about the deep things of God. This is only done when we are willing to obey Him and draw close enough to Him to learn more about His nature. (John7)

From the depth of the soul flow the living water of God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills the believer with living water that will overflow into everlasting last. Any man that desires to have his thirst quench can come and drink at the source of living water and be satisfied. It is for whosoever will, it only takes willingness and desire for God to be fulfilled. (John7b)

It seems to be human nature to find fault with others and be blinded to ones own faults. We are so demanding of others that they meet a standard of living that we feel will bring the approbation of God. Judgement begins in our own house, examining are own life for inconsistency. Many blindly throw the 1st stone of condemnation, and walk away with a spirit of self-righteousness. Jesus is the light of the world, and He alone knows the hearts of men. May we learn to point all people to Jesus, and let His light shine on the life of others that they also may walk in the light of His love and mercy to sin no more. (John8a)

To be free is living a life of your own free will, not in bondage to serve someone against your will. Sin is a slave master that binds the soul to do the bidding of the devil. To be free from this bondage, one must accept the truth of their spiritual condition. The truth of the matter is Christ has the power to set the captive free. He is Truth and will destroy the works of sin and darkness. He sets men free from the bondage of sin to allow the spirit of man to seek His creator. Such was the plan of God since the foundations of the world.(john 8b)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

John 3-5

(John 3a) ?

Taking the back seat is not always easy, especially if the front seat gives you advantages and notoriety. Such was the life of John the baptist. He had a great following and many thought that he might even be the Messiah. But, John maintain a pure heart after the will of God. He knew his calling and was content to be the one who would blaze the trail for the Son of God. Not only a true prophet, but an example of true humility and submission. John picked up his cross and followed Jesus unto death. He took the back seat of popularity and lifted up the Son of God. (john 3b)

Life and it’s problem, conflicts, and misunderstandings often causes one to become dry and barren within the soul. The load is often too heavy and exhausting. The soul cries out for water for living water that will revive the heart once again. Surely, there is a well in this barren land of life. My soul is thirsty for something that will give strength and aid as I travel this journey of life. “Lord, give me of this living water, that I thirst not”. (john4)

There is nothing like a personal experience. Hearing about the wonderful works of God is great, but being able to experience it for yourself is something that will impact your life forever. Hearing the good news of Jesus and what He is able to do for you seems to good to be true, but once you have tasted for yourself of the grace of God, life takes on a completely new meaning. Like the Samaritans, I now believe because when He touched my heart, and life has never been the same. (john4b)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

John 1-2

From the beginning He was the light. Before the foundations of the world came into existence, He was making worlds and creating universes. Satan being cast to the earth turned the hearts of men to live in darkness. The law revealed to man that they were no longer children of light, but of darkness. But the light pierced the darkness and brought grace and truth to the hearts of men. Those who received the light became the children of light and were made sons of God and given power to overcome the darkness of the world. The Word gave power over sin and the light began to spread through out the land. (John1)

Standing by the river side of Jordan, John beheld the only begotten son of the Father. The lamb sent from Heaven to become the redeemer of men. The forerunner of the Messiah’s time was coming to an end. He who called men to repentance would step aside and make room for Him who would baptized men with fire and the Holy Ghost. John fulfilled his calling and faded away. His call was, “Take your eyes off of me, and behold Him who will save the world” Truly He is the Son of God. (john)

Miracles always astonish those who live earthly. To me, miracles imply that a super natural intervention took place. Do miracles still happen? I must confess my lack of faith when it comes to things happening that are out of the norm of natural healing or circumstantial providence. i believe that God has His hand in all things, but intervening in such a way that goes contrary to nature always arouses doubt of skepticism in me that causes me to scrutinize the validity of the “miracle” Yet, I know, based on God’s Word that He can do the impossible. He turned the water into wine and cause the blind to see. “Lord open my eyes that I may see the wondrous miracles that God has in stored for my life, may I see the clear water of life turn red with with the taste of everlasting joy.” (john 2)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Luke 23-24

Guilty of breaking the law, they hung side by side by the the guiltless one. The one who knew no sin. One malefactor still full of pride, anger and spite lashed out his resentment toward God and society. The other, seeing his profound sinful condition, humbled himself, confessed his deed and begged for mercy. The voice of Christ will ever ring in his ears through out eternity, “Today you will be with me in heaven”.  One died and went to hell, the other died and is with Christ even as I write. (Luke 23)

Morning came on the first day of the week. All seemed to be gone and hope destroyed. He who was to redeemed Israel had been nailed to a cross, pierced with a javelin, and buried in a borrowed tomb. But the circumstances of life were about to change. Sunday morning at the tomb turned from sadness to anticipation.  Many who’s faith was severely damaged by the death of Christ, still were hesitate to believe that He was Alive. But the word of Christ burned in their heart and He open the scriptures and revealed who He was. Indeed He is risen! Peace and Hope was alive. (luke24)

They were afraid that they had seen a apparition. How could this be? They saw him die on the cross, they witness his body being laid to rest. But, His words brought peace to their hearts, He calmed their trouble spirits and their faith began to grow. He touched their minds and truth was made real. He returned back to the Father, but hope and faith were alive. Let the world know, Jesus is alive and well. It was a day of celebration. (luke24b)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Luke 22

Even in the midst of pending death, the disciple’s only concern was who was going to obtain the highest seat of power when God’s Kingdom was establish. Before the days of Pentecost, they all sat around the table with Jesus for the Passover feast arguing and positioning themselves to be God’s special “pet”. The concept of being Crucified with Christ had not entered their minds. The price they were to pay to follow Christ was still in the shadows of their thoughts. The cup that they drank from had not yet become bitter to them. They would soon drink of that cup and realized the sting of death it represented. (Luke22a)

Being subject to the Father, Jesus prayed for strength to face the task that was set before Him. The life of the surrender is always ready to say, “Not my will, but thy will be done”. Peter’s carnal heart and love of self caused him to lose faith in the test of time. Peter learned a lesson that self determination is not enough to defeat Satan, He needed something bigger than himself to be what he needed to be in the time of crisis. (Luke 22b)

The power of darkness filled the night air as Judas kissed the face of Jesus. The power of darkness moved across the soul of Peter as he vehemently denied that he knew this man who was being arrested. The power of darkness caused the Roman soldiers to scorn and mock the Son of God and blaspheme His name. It was the power of darkness that caused men to hate and despise that which was good and holy. But, it was the power God that made it possible for the Son of God to give His life a ransom, so that the power darkness would be broken. (luke22c)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Luke 21

The last siege of Jerusalem and the desolation of her buildings will someday come to ruins and emptiness. The signs of the end of earth’s habitation have already begun and prophecy of Christ that those who love Him will be the outcast of the world. Christian will be the target of blame and many will give their live because they stood for what was right. They will testify of the grace of God and will be hated by those who despise the Word of God and hate those who stand by it. They can destroy the body, but they cannot destroy the soul, no, not one hair. (luke21a)

The events that take place before the coming of the Son of God can be seen and have been recorded in the history books of man. We live in a day where sin is the accepted norm and righteousness is scorn as a relic of the the past. The hearts of righteous men grow weary of the power of satan that has invaded the thrones of the world kingdoms. God has been forsaken and has been replace with liberal progressive tolerance of sin. Our hope is in Christ. He will return and those looking for Him will find redemption. The words of Christ will stand the test of time.(Luke 21b)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Luke 19-20

It matters not who you are in the world. Jesus is no respecter of person. He comes to visit any who are willing to open their doors and invite Him in. In the face of political opposition, Zacchaeus climbed the sycamore tree to gather the attention of Jesus. He would not let the obstacle of life and his personal limitations keep him from getting an audience with the Savior. Zacchaeus was willing to come clean and make right his wrongs to obtain the approbation of Christ. Before one can be found, one must realized that they are lost. Jesus came to save the lost. (Luke19)

It is only fitting that one would praise God for His blessings. The presences of Jesus coming into the city Jerusalem caused the people to cry out in song. For years they waited the Kingdom of God to come and now the time had arrived. We were made to praise God. It is in the very nature of our spiritual being to lifted up our voices to Him. If we fail to do what God desires, then nature will shout out His glory. Surely we are more valuable to God than the rocks of the earth.(Luke 19b)

Christ came to save the world, even the scribes and the pharisees, but the pride of their heart rejected Him. They were threaten by sway that Christ had on the populous. Their power over the people was being challenged. The message of Christ was humility and submission, such was not in the nature of these men. Christ called them out and they were mad. People will find any way they can to do away with the voice of God that causes their hearts to be trouble. Sin stops at nothing. (luke20a)

Because God knows the hearts of men, there are no “trick” questions that He does not already know. Manipulation of God is foolishness. His answers will always cause  the questions to backfire. The scribe and sadducees walked away shaking their heads and the deceitfulness of their heart revealed for all to see. You cannot pull the wool over the eyes of Jesus, He is God and knows the hearts and motives of men. (luke20b)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Luke 17-18

Forgiveness is often a hard pill to swallow especially if we have doubt of the sincerity of the apology. It seems once again to be unreasonable to continue to forgive when the offense is often repeated. It takes an “other world” grace to be able to truly forgive someone who is a repeat offender. I too would cry out, “Lord increase my faith”  My mustard seed is having a hard time sprouting.(Luke17a)

The returning of Jesus is unknown, but Jesus did give some indication that His return will come when many have turned away from God and have left the paths of righteousness. The minds and hearts of man will be immerse in the pleasures of this world, God will be place on a shelf and people will turns their heart away from God and live for self gratification. They will only be concern about the things of this world and taking no though the the Kingdom of God in their hearts. Jesus said they will be left behind when He returns. (Luke17b)

Whose prayer does God hear? For certain, a man who thinks highly of himself and exalts his station in life has no need for God. Such a person is wrapped up in self and self-righteousness. They preceive that goodness is derived from good works. They brag of their life of sinlessness and take credit for their purity. Such a person, God cannot help and they will someday realized that they have come short of God’s Glory. The humble and meek spirit of dependence will cause the ear of God to bend low and take notice. It is the humble that God will lift up and draw nigh. (luke18a)

Mercy, Mercy! The cry of the beggar. Blinded and unable to see Jesus, he was able to recognized that the God in the flesh was passing by and He only had the power to give him his sight. The faith of the mustard seed was blooming in the heart of this blind beggar. He believed, and because of his faith, Christ stopped and paused to listen to the cry of this man. Miracles take place when we cry out to God and believe that He is able to perform that which is impossible to man, but possible for God.(luke18b)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Luke 14-15

The excuses that are given today will fall short in the day judgement. Many will say that I was busy prepare for my life and the future, and didn’t have time for God. Other live to work and there whole life is focus on their job or career, leaving no time for God, and others find that family is more important and put their spouse or their kids before God. All of these reasons have a good cause and we are to be mindful that we do our best to provide for the future, do good work at the job and care for our family, but living for the  kingdom requires that one give it all to God and come to the table of God and feast at the feet of Jesus first.

The price to be a follower of Jesus is not to be taken likely. Claiming to be a disciple of Jesus comes with the willingness to forsake everything in your life that would draw you away from following Him. The decision to follow is more than a mental state of mind, but it is one of action and determination. Yes, before the cross can be carried, one must decide and be willing to carry it. But, the test of discipleship is in the action and not in the intention. There are people full of good intentions, but very few actually will carry their cross to calvary. (luke14b)

The desire of God is to see sinners come to the knowledge of the light of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to be a friend to sinners and went out of His way to reach them. His love for his creation extends to all who are lost and He makes every effort  to meet people at the point of their need no matter their station in life. All have sinned and come short of the kingdom of God, rich and poor alike. He seeks all that are lost to bring them into the fold (Luke 15a)

The wayward son who left his father’s house and his father’s faith and values learned a hard lesson about the real world. The world’s values are to make sure that self is served first. As a general rule, the people of the world are more concerned about self preservation and self interest than the needs of others. The prodigal son soon realized that life outside of God is the pits and it eventually takes you down a road that is desolate and hard. Thank God for His faithfulness to those who leave the fold, and then wake to realized that they missed it. His mercy reaches to the backslider and those who have wander away from their moorings. Those who have lost their way can find their way back to God. (Luke15b)

(Luke 16) ?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

John 5-6

It was the Sabbath Day, a day set aside to worship God and give praise to His name. It was a day to administer God’s healing power to mankind, a day set apart to do good toward your fellowman. What better way to worship God than to do acts of kindness and show mercy. May we see more people taking up their “beds” and walking to the house to worship. Keeping the Sabbath goes beyond worship, it should be a time to minister and manifest the love of God. (John5)

Rejecting Jesus is to reject the Father. Many say they believe in God, but don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He is one with the Father and believing in Him is to believe in God the Father who sent Him. There will come a day when the eyes of men will be open and they will see Him for who He is. But, the love of God is not to be found in them, they have rejected the giver of life and are now left behind to die in their sins. (John5b)

God will often put us to the test. Are we earthly minded or heavenly minded? We most often look to solutions in the human. That is our nature to try and solve problems in a practical way. I do believe God does want us to use what is available to us. But through the eyes of faith, He wants us to go beyond the the practical and start to believe that He can take the elements that we hold and use them to accomplish great things. What seems impossible to man is possible with God. Take the two loaves of bread and five fish and give them to God and see what wonderful things He can do. (John 6a)

Hunger is a natural desire of humanity. We all want our stomach and our taste buds to be satisfied. But, our lives consist more of just flesh and blood, but also of soul and spirit. Our spirits crave to be satisfied and we are always seeks ways to satisfied our heart with love and peace. (John 6b)

To whom shall I go? He is the source of life the giver of grace. No man is able to come to the Father except through Christ. I want Him, I need Him. I will not go anywhere without Him! (john6c)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Luke 11-13

Not a person who likes to beg, I find the admonition of the Lord to ask, seek, and knock to be difficult truth for me to understand. I also realize that God knows what is best and it would seem unprofitable to continue asking for something that He knows may not be in my best interest. I could also confess that often my faith would rather submit to His will in resignation, rather than keep asking for Him to do the impossible. This is the part of prayer that I find challenging. Help me Lord to better understand how to pray. (Luke11a)

A distress signal has been sounded out by Jesus, “Woe!” A proclamation of sorrowful warning if not heeded, the future does not look good. The observance of rules and rituals is not the essence of true religion. They are not to be totally discarded, but on the other hand, they are not to be the focus of serving God. Many have high expectation of others, but are not willing themselves to follow the same expectations. Jesus calls these people hypocrites. (Luke11b)

(Luke 12)

How difficult is it to get to heaven? It is so easy that many will struggle to make it. Sounds like a oxy moron. The simple truth is Christ has made it possible through His death and resurrection that not even a fool could error if he desires God. But many will rely on their good works and humanitarian efforts to insist on eternal life. Some will even claim that they were doing such act in the name of religion. It is not is the acts of goodness that given us access, but our obedience to God’s will that allows us to come boldly to His throne. We claim the blood of Christ as our only plea. Christ desires to gather us all under His wing, but many have resisted His love and protection.(Luke13a)

The excuses that are given today will fall short in the day judgement. Many will say that I was busy prepare for my life and the future, and didn’t have time for God. Other live to work and there whole life is focus on their job or career, leaving no time for God, and others find that family is more important and put their spouse or their kids before God. All of these reasons have a good cause and we are to be mindful that we do our best to provide for the future, do good work at the job and care for our family, but living for the  kingdom requires that one give it all to God and come to the table of God and feast at the feet of Jesus first. (Luke 13b)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Luke 9-10

The message of the Kingdom of God is given to those who follow Christ. The power to rebuke evil and cast it out was authorized by Christ to demonstrate His desire that sin and unrighteousness had no part in life of those who claim the Kingdom of God. It was time to move forward and proclaim that Jesus Christ was here, the message of love, mercy, grace, and healing was to be proclaimed. Those who refuse to accept this message were left to their own demise. 

Confessing Christ is not merely an acknowledgment that He is God. A confession of Christ requires one not only to forsake the life of sin they once lived, but to go against the nature of man and deny oneself of their rights in order to see the Kingdom of God come to pass. Leaving self behind is not a decision of determination, it is an experience that is accomplished by the Holy Spirit that empowers the believer to count the cost, pick up their cross and to follow the steps of Jesus. (Luke9a)

Following Christ is more than living by his teachings of morality and goodness. The implication of following Jesus will require one to give their life in full surrender to the whole will of God. To be willing to go wherever He leads, to do whatever He says. In other words, Jesus becomes the priority in a person’s life. Everything is done with Christ at the center. All decision in life are made with the focus, “What would Jesus have me to do” Following Christ also implies that one has already confessed Christ and is now ready to serve Him. (Luke9b)

Seeing God move in miraculous way is awesome, but the greater miracle known to man is knowing that your name is written in the Book of Life. Brought from death to life is the greatest miracle of all time. “I was blind, but now I see” “I was dead in trespasses and sin, but new life through Christ has brought my dead soul into a new beginning. The healing power of God is something to behold, but it is all in vain if your life is still dead in sin. Jesus, said, ”Rejoice that your name is written in heaven“. That is shouting ground. (Luke10a)

Equality is best demonstrated when all men are equally treated with kindness and mercy. God is no respecter of person, and will show mercy to every man who is in need of help. Our neighbor is all of humanity. It is the responsibility of all Christians to show kindness, and be willing to give of our resources to help those that are suffering regardless of their race, greed, or station in life. May I have a heart like the good Samaritan and show mercy. (Luke10b)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Luke 6-8

The test of Christianity is found in the actions and reactions of the believer. Words spoken carry weight, but it is acts of kindness and compassion that show the true nature of a person. Showing love and mercy to those who desire to hurt you is to show the love of Christ. His love is what carries us through to love others in spite of the circumstances or situations that we face. It is only through the grace of God that a Christian is able to obtain the love of God that it may be manifested to others. (Luke 6)

in the prison cells of Herod, John the Baptist sat pondering and wondering the purpose of his life. The greatest prophet of all time began to feel that his work was for nought. Discouraged with the turn of events, locked up in a cell and waiting execution, he seeks to find the answers to his nagging doubts. “Jesus, is it really you? Are you the one? Can you give me some assurance I can hold on to? It is just like Jesus to bring hope to the heart of John. ”You did your job John, you prepared the way, the people are receiving the message and their hearts are open to the gospel.“ (Luke7a)

The measure of gratitude is often seen and demonstrated when the debt of forgiveness is great. It is not until one sees the gravity of one’s own heart condition that one is able to express the depth of gratitude of being forgiven of their sins. We all must see ourselves like the woman who fell at the feet of Jesus in humility and unworthiness. When we come face to face with our sins and realized that we are headed to eternity without God, it is then that God can reach down in loving mercy and grace and give us new life and hope. It is this kind of forgiveness that will cause us to give everything to Him, bow at His feet and begin to wash His feet. (Luke7b)

My faith often goes into hiding. The practically of life and the reality that we live in a world that is fallen makes it a challenge to believe that anything can be done. The storms of life and unanswered questions cause faith to go into hiding. How does one muster faith when one is drowning in the sea of discouragement. Grasping the ore of the boat, endeavoring to steer the boat through the bolstering waves of life. Where is God? Where is my faith? Calm the storm Lord, Let me see the work of God manifested. My faith is weak, help my unbelief. (Luke8) 

To only hear the words of the Savior speak to me, would be the solace of mind to calm the fears that I face. To be able to just touch the hem of His garment and sense the virtue of His power flow into my life, would be bliss. He says. “Only believe” The people throng around me, and it is difficult to find my way through. I know He is able, I have seen Him work miracles, but I need to find a way to push through the cares of life and touch Him that my spirits may be renewed. (mark8b)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Luke 3-5

John preached a radical gospel of repentance, humility, and selflessness. He cut to the root of the heart, pride and rebellion against God. If one is to truly turn their life over to God, it will require more than lip service. The choice to go with God will require a full surrender to God’s commandments. Such requirements can only be fulfilled when one gives their life to Christ and allows the Holy Spirit to Baptize the Heart with fire, purging the heart from all sin. (Luke3)

Temptation comes in many forms. We are often tempted to put our trust in earthly things and satisfied human desires in a way that is unholy, when we should be trusting God’s Word. Achieving position and power through unrighteous methods has corrupted many. Some will presume upon God’s love and mercy and recklessly do things that God has not required, one cannot ties the hands of God and demand that God do things that are not His will. Christ showed the way out of temptation. resist the devil, speak the Word, and stay focused on worshiping God alone. (Luke4)

He only needs to speak the word and it shall be done. The Devil fear and tremble when in the presence of Jesus. The blind see, the lame walk, and the demons of hell are cast out when He speaks the word. The devils that roam the earth are no match for His power and might. It is through the name of Jesus, the power of His will that we can overcome the wickedness of this day. Let us go forth baring the cross and invoking His Name and His Blood that was shed for sin and unrighteousness. (Luke4)

You will never know what might happen when you launch out in the deep. Spiritually, God will often call us to go into deeper waters, for it is only there where we will be able to experience what God has for us. As we begin to see the workings of God in our life we begin to understand how unworthy we are. He showers us with His blessings and does things that go beyond are expectation. No wonder the disciples were willing to forsake all that the world has to offer and to follow Christ in full obedience. (Luke5a)

Desperation calls for desperate means. Getting through to God will often require us to get earnest. It must become the overwhelming priority in our life if we want God to do great things in our lives. For the man with palsy, he convince others around him to see the need to go beyond the reasonable to accomplish the impossible. What may seem strange to others, is often the only way to get through to God. “Whatever it takes, to draw closer to you Lord, that is what I am willing to do.” (Luke 5b)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Luke 1-2

Believing God in the face of logic would seem to be unreasonable. Even the upright and obedient Zacharias struggles with what seem impossible. It is hard to go against reason, but such is often the case when it comes to trusting God to do the impossible. Zacharias did not ask for the impossible, he was told that the impossible would happen, and his faith refuse to grasp the significance of the promise. I don’t fault Zacharias, most of us would also fail the test of faith to believe God in the face of seemly impossible situations. (Luke1a)

The impossible is about to happen in the life of Mary. The Christ child will be her son in the flesh. The father would be the Holy Spirit. The promise given to her changed her life. Mary was overwhelmed with this news, but wavered not at the promise given to her. The angel already informed her, “With God nothing shall be impossible” All Mary could say was, “Let it be…”  Luke 1b

Magnifying the Lord and praising Him for His mercy is from every lasting to every lasting. He is good and all blessing come from above and are shed on those who take time to magnify and glorify Him in all of life’s situations. Such was the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. (Luke1c)

Fear of the enemy and fear of living in darkness is something to be concern with.  Serving God will allow one to live a life that is free of fear, and give one the freedom to serve God in holiness and righteousness until the day God calls them home. Those who sit in darkness and live in fear, He shed His light and shows the way out into the marvelous light of peace. (Luke1d)

What a glorious day for the shepherds watching their flock that evening. God fearing men who looked for the coming of the Messiah. Fear momentarily seized them, but were soon assured of God’s presence and His blessing. Without any hesitation, they obeyed the voice of the Angel and made their way to the foot of Jesus to give praise to God for the deliverance that was soon to come. (Luke2a)

Much is said about Jesus being left behind at the Feast of the Passover. The implications that Mary and Joseph were negligent to keep Jesus the focus of their lives can be made. That seems to be a human tendency found in many of us who often forget about Jesus as we go about the business of the day, but Jesus point out that the most important business of the day is doing the Father’s business. How often do we neglect the business of the Father because we are too busy with our own business. (Luke2b)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mark 15-16

The cry to crucify Jesus pierced the darkness of Pontius Pilates’ hall. Hate, envy, and pride ruled the hearts of the chief priest and the people. Who among them who saw the wondrous miracles of Christ to heal the lame and cause the blind to see would utter such a cry. Who among them who ever gazed into the eyes of Jesus and witness the love of Christ would cry out “crucify Him”. Sin and deception ruled that dark Friday morning. Yet He spoke not a word as He walked the dusty path up to Galgotha. (mark 15a)

The sun which normally shines down around noon was covered in darkness. For 3 hours the skies had the erie sense of doom. Jesus hung on the cross suffering and laboring to breathe. Sin nailed Him to the cross, sin scorned and ridiculed Him to the end. The hour had come, He took His last breath with the weight of sin on his breast, He gave up His life to redeem sinful man back to God. The veil of the temple was split in two and the cry of salvation was proclaimed “Surely this was the Son of God” Deity, the ultimate lamb, paid the ultimate price to set men free from the bondage of sin. The Love of God, how measureless. (mark15b)

It was a early in the morning on the first day of the week. The sun was peeking over the horizon. The Sabbath was over and the followers of Jesus were still bewildered by the passing events over the last couple of days. Faith in the future was dashed and shattered a fortnight ago. We often have our hopes and dreams fade away with the circumstances of life, but we who believe God are not without hope. Only believe and it will come to pass. Hope will arise again. He is Alive! He is risen, and He is Alive! (mark16)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mark 14

Staying awake is sometime tough to do. Spiritual lathery can cause one to become indifferent to the coming of Christ. It is certain that failing to watch for the signs of His coming will bring disappointment. 

Betrayal is hard to understand. It violates the basic premise of trust. It is unthinkable to realized that one would back stab the Savior, but greed and selfishness has no limits. Sin is no respecter of person, it will attack even those who are close to Jesus and blind them with pride and deception. (mark 14a)

Blinded by self interest, Judas was willing to call Jesus, “Master”. He gave the illusion that he was a servant of Christ and a follower of the Savior. It is not what we speak that really matters, but how we live that will determine our spiritual destiny. Not everyone that say, “Lord, Lord” will enter into the Kingdom. (mark14b)

The test to the believer is to see if they are willing to identify with the cross of Jesus. To be named among those who will take a stand against the popular opinion of the world and side with the truth of God’s Word. Denying Christ is to reject Christ. Peter overwhelmed with the possibility that he too would suffer the fate of Christ was willing to curse in anger. In a moment of weakness, Peter failed to stand for his convictions. In a moment of sorrow and regret, Peter wept himself back to Jesus. (mark 14:b)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mark 11-13

God expects fruit from those who call God their Father. Those who name the name of Christ will show forth fruits of righteousness. A tree that only has the outward appearance, but bare no fruit is doom for destruction and ultimately will be cast into everlasting fire. (mark 11a)

The measure of our faith will determine the extend that God will move in our behalf. There is a high correlation between answers to prayer and how much Faith we have in God to see it happen. The obstacles in our lives that hinder us can be removed according to our faith. It is the promise of Jesus, “it shall come to pass” if we don’t doubt and have faith in God. (mark 11b)

It was a sad day when the Jews rejected their Messiah. He came to deliver them from sin and set them free from their enemies. They rejected Christ, therefore Christ went to the Gentile who were willing to accept His claims. (Mark 12a)

Outward piety, without inward purity is nauseating to Christ. Professing to be godly without possessing  God inwardly is futility in the worse way. God is not looking for outward demonstration of morality, but is wanting a people who inwardly seek the righteousness of God in sincerity and humility. “”Beware of the scribes, who love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,“(mark 12b)

The end is sure to come. The signs of the time can be seen in the world all around us. Days of affliction increase world wide and conflict and tribulation arise in every part of the world. Those who put their trust in Christ and continue to believe that He will ultimately reign will see the end come and Christ take the throne and rule this earth. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly! (mark 13a)

Staying awake is sometime tough to do. Spiritual lathery can cause one to become indifferent to the coming of Christ. It is certain that failing to watch for the signs of His coming will bring disappointment. (mark 13b)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mark 7-10

There is no substitution for truth. Traditions and customs are useful for maintain cultural unity and identity, but they should never trump the Commandments of God. What are His commandments? “Love God with all you heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The actions and behavior of a persons is an indications of the condition of the heart. Where the heart is, so is its treasure. Sin originates from the heart of a person. The defilement of a person is not what is taken in, but comes from the motive of the heart. If the motive of the heart is to please God, then the actions  and behavior of a person will glorify God. (mark 7a)

Sin is like leaven in bread, under the right circumstances, it will begin to overtake the life. We must take heed that we do not let sin reign in our heart, but ask God to remove any trace that will hinder God from having full control. Mark 8

Great men will rise and many will greatly esteem their achievements, but there is only one who stands among them that is deserving of worship. It is He who is nailed to the cross, breeding and dying for all mankind. He and He alone, I will bow the knee and fall at His feet in complete obedience and surrender. (mark 9)

There is nothing in life worth having if it will keep you out of heaven. The pearl of great price is valued beyond anything one can imagine. riches, power, fame, and possession are all but dust when compared to the eternal value of being with God forever. It is better to be lame and destitute than burn in an eternal hell without God. (mark 9b)

The sacred vows of marriage are not to be taken lightly. It was ordained of God from the beginning of time that man and women would become one flesh. The unity of holy matrimony is not the institution of man, but of God. Disregarding vows given before God must be held with sacredness and conviction. (mark 10a)

To be first in the kingdom of God one must first know how to serve. To be great in the eyes of God, we must know how to humble ourselves before Him and before others. The secret of greatness is learning how to serve the needs of others. Christianity is a religion of love and servitude .(mark 10b)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mark 4-6

What kind of ground is your heart? Is your ground prepared to receive the Word of God. Jesus (The Word) knocks at the door of our heart wanting to come and take residence. Will we allow Satan to shut the door in the face of Christ, will our heart be so cluttered with that there is no room for Christ. May we have a heart that is open to Christ and may he grow and become rooted and grounded in our lives. (Mark 4:1a)

Life is like living on a boat out to sea. The journey is mostly calm and uneventful. But, the reality is that the sea is many times unpredictable and the unforeseen storm starts to effect the destiny of the boat. We fear the storm, not knowing if it will crash or sink. It can be comforting to know that the one who can control the storm is riding in the boat with you. One who cares and understands our fear and anxiety. He is able to still the storm at sea. (mark 4b)

The power of Christ to pardon sin is deity, the power of Christ to cast out demons is divine. There is no power on earth that is able to control the demonic powers of Satan. It is only through Christ that a soul can be completely cleanse and made whole. It is the power of Christ that sets man free. Sin will always bind and control people, but Jesus Christ came that to set the prisoner free to live a life in their own right mind.(mark 5a)

Touching Jesus is the passion of my life. The touch of faith brings life when life seems to have no purpose. Dead in trespasses and sin, touching the hem of His garment in faith stimulates the virtues of Christ to flow in my direction. He touched me and He made me whole. Life will never be the same again. (mark 5b)

Where was Jesus when John’s head was severed? These are hard questions that have no satisfying answer to those whose loved and grieved the death of John the Baptist. Where is God when bad things happen to good people? Why do the righteous suffer? Serving God does not guarantee a life without death or suffering. To the contrary, all those that live in Christ will suffer persecution. Evil visits the godly and ungodly, but the godly will rise again. (mark 6)

We often look at situations through the eyes of human capability. What is humanly possible? Without defining the laws of nature, we look at the circumstances and concede defeat. With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Take what bread you have, give it to Jesus, and He will satisfy the need. Harden not your heart, but believe that all things all possible to those who put their trust in God.(mark 6b)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mark 1-3

Being baptized with water is symbolic of sins being washed away. Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is symbolic of the infusion of new life. The baptism of Jesus Christ goes beyond the washing away of sins, the Holy Spirit comes to led us into all truth, leaving the ways of sin and walking in the light and dwelling the presences of God. (mark1a)

The healing power of Jesus heals the infirmities of people who cry out to Him. Jesus came to heal the sick and bring new life and hope to all who recognized their need to be made whole. The compassion of Jesus is no respecter of person. He loves all, but will only bring healing to those who want help. (mark 1b)

A new follower of Christ needs time to learn and grow. You cannot expect a new believer to reach spiritual maturity and to understand all there is to know about following God. They are but babes in Christ and not ready for the meat. You cannot put new wine into an old wineskins, anymore than you can expect new believers to handle the rigor of spiritual battle. The time will come when they will have to stand up and count the price for following Jesus. (mark2)

The Sabbath day was a special day of strict religious observance in the days of Jesus. The religious leaders of that day took the law way beyond the purpose and intend when God gave man the Sabbath. Jesus came and changed the rules and directed others to make it a day of showing grace and mercy. A day set apart for spiritual healing. It is important to abstain from secular work and indulgence, but it should not be a hindrance to worshiping God and showing acts of kindness. (Mark 3)

It is dangerous to tribute the work of God as the work of Satan. That which is wroth by the Holy Spirit is not to be taken lightly. Those that do the will of God are children of God and will recognized the hand of God at work. A child of Satan is in danger of hell fire because they refuse to acknowledge and be led by the truth that comes from the Holy Spirit. (mark3b)