Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Luke 23-24

Guilty of breaking the law, they hung side by side by the the guiltless one. The one who knew no sin. One malefactor still full of pride, anger and spite lashed out his resentment toward God and society. The other, seeing his profound sinful condition, humbled himself, confessed his deed and begged for mercy. The voice of Christ will ever ring in his ears through out eternity, “Today you will be with me in heaven”.  One died and went to hell, the other died and is with Christ even as I write. (Luke 23)

Morning came on the first day of the week. All seemed to be gone and hope destroyed. He who was to redeemed Israel had been nailed to a cross, pierced with a javelin, and buried in a borrowed tomb. But the circumstances of life were about to change. Sunday morning at the tomb turned from sadness to anticipation.  Many who’s faith was severely damaged by the death of Christ, still were hesitate to believe that He was Alive. But the word of Christ burned in their heart and He open the scriptures and revealed who He was. Indeed He is risen! Peace and Hope was alive. (luke24)

They were afraid that they had seen a apparition. How could this be? They saw him die on the cross, they witness his body being laid to rest. But, His words brought peace to their hearts, He calmed their trouble spirits and their faith began to grow. He touched their minds and truth was made real. He returned back to the Father, but hope and faith were alive. Let the world know, Jesus is alive and well. It was a day of celebration. (luke24b)

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