Friday, February 22, 2013

Mark 1-3

Being baptized with water is symbolic of sins being washed away. Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is symbolic of the infusion of new life. The baptism of Jesus Christ goes beyond the washing away of sins, the Holy Spirit comes to led us into all truth, leaving the ways of sin and walking in the light and dwelling the presences of God. (mark1a)

The healing power of Jesus heals the infirmities of people who cry out to Him. Jesus came to heal the sick and bring new life and hope to all who recognized their need to be made whole. The compassion of Jesus is no respecter of person. He loves all, but will only bring healing to those who want help. (mark 1b)

A new follower of Christ needs time to learn and grow. You cannot expect a new believer to reach spiritual maturity and to understand all there is to know about following God. They are but babes in Christ and not ready for the meat. You cannot put new wine into an old wineskins, anymore than you can expect new believers to handle the rigor of spiritual battle. The time will come when they will have to stand up and count the price for following Jesus. (mark2)

The Sabbath day was a special day of strict religious observance in the days of Jesus. The religious leaders of that day took the law way beyond the purpose and intend when God gave man the Sabbath. Jesus came and changed the rules and directed others to make it a day of showing grace and mercy. A day set apart for spiritual healing. It is important to abstain from secular work and indulgence, but it should not be a hindrance to worshiping God and showing acts of kindness. (Mark 3)

It is dangerous to tribute the work of God as the work of Satan. That which is wroth by the Holy Spirit is not to be taken lightly. Those that do the will of God are children of God and will recognized the hand of God at work. A child of Satan is in danger of hell fire because they refuse to acknowledge and be led by the truth that comes from the Holy Spirit. (mark3b)

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