Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mark 11-13

God expects fruit from those who call God their Father. Those who name the name of Christ will show forth fruits of righteousness. A tree that only has the outward appearance, but bare no fruit is doom for destruction and ultimately will be cast into everlasting fire. (mark 11a)

The measure of our faith will determine the extend that God will move in our behalf. There is a high correlation between answers to prayer and how much Faith we have in God to see it happen. The obstacles in our lives that hinder us can be removed according to our faith. It is the promise of Jesus, “it shall come to pass” if we don’t doubt and have faith in God. (mark 11b)

It was a sad day when the Jews rejected their Messiah. He came to deliver them from sin and set them free from their enemies. They rejected Christ, therefore Christ went to the Gentile who were willing to accept His claims. (Mark 12a)

Outward piety, without inward purity is nauseating to Christ. Professing to be godly without possessing  God inwardly is futility in the worse way. God is not looking for outward demonstration of morality, but is wanting a people who inwardly seek the righteousness of God in sincerity and humility. “”Beware of the scribes, who love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,“(mark 12b)

The end is sure to come. The signs of the time can be seen in the world all around us. Days of affliction increase world wide and conflict and tribulation arise in every part of the world. Those who put their trust in Christ and continue to believe that He will ultimately reign will see the end come and Christ take the throne and rule this earth. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly! (mark 13a)

Staying awake is sometime tough to do. Spiritual lathery can cause one to become indifferent to the coming of Christ. It is certain that failing to watch for the signs of His coming will bring disappointment. (mark 13b)

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