Wednesday, June 5, 2013

John 14-15

To have access to God the Father, there is only one way to enter into His presence . Jesus is the Door, the final Word, and the Resurrection. He and the Father are one and to see God the Father, one must see Jesus. He is the Way that leads us to Father, He is the truth that bare the witness to God, and He is the only one that can give eternal life, life everlasting. How marvelous, how miraculous is our Savior who provided a way of escape into a relationship with our creator. John 14
Abiding in Christ is the fulfillment of life’s ambition. To be connected to the real source of life is to know the meaning of Life. A disciple of Christ will bear the fruit from which it derives it’s life. The evidence of abiding in Him is demonstrated in the way we live our lives day by day. Showing forth the fruit of the Spirit, reflecting the image of Jesus, desiring to obey His commandments will be the standard by which one is judged. Such fruit is not possible unless one is abiding in Him and His word is abiding in their own hearts. If He is truly your friend, you will follow Him and do as He ask you to do. (John15)

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