Friday, July 12, 2013

Acts 17

“they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so.”- We must be ever mindful that we don’t believe everything we hear. There are many false prophets that teach doctrine that is not consistent with the Scriptures. There are those who have been deceived by Satan into accepting a doctrine that is not consistent with holy living. When all possible, we should search the Scripture to validate what we hear from the pulpit or from one who says that they are a messenger of God. We must always be diligent and not be led astray by those who desire a form of godliness, but deny the power of the Holy Spirit to keep them from sin and unrighteousness. (Acts 17)
“The times of this ignorance God overlooked, but now He commandeth all men everywhere to repent”- We will some day stand before God to give an account of what we know to be true. God’s judgment is tempered by our ignorance to truth. He is faithful to speak in some form or another to all who live, and God who knows the heart will have the final say. It is our responsibility to respond to truth when it is brought to our conscience. When darkness becomes light, we as Christians are admonished to walk in it. (Acts 17b)

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