Thursday, June 13, 2013

John 20-21

Some people are really hard headed, such was Thomas. Thomas is not alone when it comes to believing God. By nature, many of “us” are skeptical of things that we have not witness ourselves. Too many in our day have “visions” and hear voices that are not substantiality with valid evidence. The claims of Christ have been validated by the witness of the Father and sealed by the Spirit. What He says is true and what He does is to be believed. It is amazing how quickly Thomas believe when He heard the words spoken by Jesus. How quickly he was convinces that what he heard was true. Thomas was chastised for not believing, but thank God he was not cast aside. Failure to believe does not have to cause us to quit. Look to Jesus and start believing. (john20
Peter was once again put to the test. He did not forget his failure to stand for Jesus when it counted. Now, face to face with Jesus, he is being drilled concerning his love for his master. Knowing his past, he is grieved that Jesus would once again test his love and commitment. It was the third time that the question was posed to him. Peter remembered how Jesus had known that he would deny him, so he speaks with the knowledge that Jesus is able to read the motives of the heart. Jesus knows if we speak the truth, or if we speak only to appease our conscious. To love Jesus. will require more than just words, it will require a life time of service to feed the sheep of Christ (john21)

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