Sunday, June 16, 2013

Acts 1-2

Jesus made a promise that He would send the Holy Spirit to baptized His follows with the fire of God. Jesus keeps His promises, but promises are often followed by conditions. Wait in Jerusalem, tarry and pray. The Holy Ghost did come and power was given to them to go forth to spread the gospel of Christ. (acts 1)

The experience that the disciples had on the day of Pentecost is claimed by some churches that the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit is to speak in tongues. This experiences also is used by the holiness church that there is an experience after being saved of the filling of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the Holy Spirit filling the believer is symbolized in the way the Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. The cloven tongues of fire representing the baptism by fire of the purging of self desires and ambition. This is clearly seen in the change life of Peter as all self inhibitions are cast aside to declare the gospel of Jesus. Power of the Spirit was given to believers to speak boldly the things of God. The claiming of speaking in tongues as evidence is debunked by the fact that the gift was given for a specific purpose, since there were many there who spoke different languages. The experience of the filling of the Holy Spirit is real today. He still desires that those that follow Him be filled with the Holy Spirit that they may be led into all truth and to be controlled by His Power through the Spirit. (acts 2)

The assertive personality of Peter is now controlled by the Holy Spirit. He now is able to speak boldly the things that have happen and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without fear or favor of men. This is not the same Peter that hid behind the campfire outside of Pilot’s halls. The Holy Spirit gave Peter the power to speak the truth in the face of danger. The message was clear. Repent from ours sins, be baptized, and God will remove the penalty of sin and pay the debt that was charged to us because of sin that reigned in our hearts. After we do this, God will give us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, so we may live free from sin and be able to follow Jesus with all ours heart. (Act 2b)

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