Friday, June 28, 2013

Acts 26-28

“Thou almost persuadest me to be a Christian.”- How sad to come to the edge of eternal destiny, only to fall short after being convince of the truth. It is not unusual for one to know what is true, but is unwilling to take action on the truth in a positive way. To be persuaded is to embrace the truth and believe it not only in mind, but in heart. When facing God at the judgment, “almost” will not be good enough. May we be altogether persuaded that Jesus is the Christ, who died for our sins. May we embrace this to our hearts. (Act 26b)
“be of good cheer, for I believe God”- Knowing the will of God is to know peace and contentment. The storms of life will cause our little boat of life to rock and life’s future becomes unpredictable. There are times in our humanity that we make bad choices, against better judgement we launch out into the deep without any consideration to the warning of danger. But, God is a merciful God who will give us cheer if we but believe that He will see us through. With resolution, we can say, “I believe God” no matter how things turn out. (Acts 27) 
“Unless these remain in the ship, ye cannot be saved.”- It not always easy to stay on board when thing don’t look good. Survival is our human instinct. We are prone to jump ship when things get tough and it would appear that our situation is hopeless. Know when to jump and when to stay on board requires that we listen to the voice of God. Be mindful of his Spirit. He knows best when it is time to jump ship or to hold on and wait for God work the situation out. (Act 27b) 
“And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not”- All humanity were predestine to serve and love their Maker. It is the will of God that all would come to Christ and receive atonement. But, man has a free will and is given the option to go against the will of God. Some hear the Word of God and receive it gladly and walk in the light of His will, other turn their backs on God’s will, desiring to live for self will and choose not to believe God. The choice is ours to make. (Acts 28)

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