Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Luke 11-13

Not a person who likes to beg, I find the admonition of the Lord to ask, seek, and knock to be difficult truth for me to understand. I also realize that God knows what is best and it would seem unprofitable to continue asking for something that He knows may not be in my best interest. I could also confess that often my faith would rather submit to His will in resignation, rather than keep asking for Him to do the impossible. This is the part of prayer that I find challenging. Help me Lord to better understand how to pray. (Luke11a)

A distress signal has been sounded out by Jesus, “Woe!” A proclamation of sorrowful warning if not heeded, the future does not look good. The observance of rules and rituals is not the essence of true religion. They are not to be totally discarded, but on the other hand, they are not to be the focus of serving God. Many have high expectation of others, but are not willing themselves to follow the same expectations. Jesus calls these people hypocrites. (Luke11b)

(Luke 12)

How difficult is it to get to heaven? It is so easy that many will struggle to make it. Sounds like a oxy moron. The simple truth is Christ has made it possible through His death and resurrection that not even a fool could error if he desires God. But many will rely on their good works and humanitarian efforts to insist on eternal life. Some will even claim that they were doing such act in the name of religion. It is not is the acts of goodness that given us access, but our obedience to God’s will that allows us to come boldly to His throne. We claim the blood of Christ as our only plea. Christ desires to gather us all under His wing, but many have resisted His love and protection.(Luke13a)

The excuses that are given today will fall short in the day judgement. Many will say that I was busy prepare for my life and the future, and didn’t have time for God. Other live to work and there whole life is focus on their job or career, leaving no time for God, and others find that family is more important and put their spouse or their kids before God. All of these reasons have a good cause and we are to be mindful that we do our best to provide for the future, do good work at the job and care for our family, but living for the  kingdom requires that one give it all to God and come to the table of God and feast at the feet of Jesus first. (Luke 13b)

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