Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Act 17

“Come over into Macedonia and help us.”- The Spirit is faithful to guide and direct our path. His voice is often heard in various manifestations. Circumstances often dictate the decision we make and the course that we take. The needs of the world are all around us and there is no possible way to answer the call to meet every need, but God often will burden our hearts to hear the call for help, He often will impress on our hearts a burden to assist and reach out. It is so important that we be sensitive to His calling and answer the call when He speaks. (Acts 16)
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”- The most important question that a person can ask.   In light of eternity, there is no greater question that on can ask. Within these words rest the salvation of soul and eternal life. It is the difference between living with Jesus forever, or being separated from God in hell. Ultimately, every man, women, and child who is of an accountable age, will come to this crossroads in their life. The answer comes to people a different ways, but the root of the answer is always the same. Believe in Jesus! This is the foundation of the Christian Faith. Believe in His death and resurrection. Believe in His teaching, believe that He is God in the flesh come to bring salvation to a world of darkness. (Acts 16b)

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