Sunday, April 21, 2013

John 5-6

It was the Sabbath Day, a day set aside to worship God and give praise to His name. It was a day to administer God’s healing power to mankind, a day set apart to do good toward your fellowman. What better way to worship God than to do acts of kindness and show mercy. May we see more people taking up their “beds” and walking to the house to worship. Keeping the Sabbath goes beyond worship, it should be a time to minister and manifest the love of God. (John5)

Rejecting Jesus is to reject the Father. Many say they believe in God, but don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He is one with the Father and believing in Him is to believe in God the Father who sent Him. There will come a day when the eyes of men will be open and they will see Him for who He is. But, the love of God is not to be found in them, they have rejected the giver of life and are now left behind to die in their sins. (John5b)

God will often put us to the test. Are we earthly minded or heavenly minded? We most often look to solutions in the human. That is our nature to try and solve problems in a practical way. I do believe God does want us to use what is available to us. But through the eyes of faith, He wants us to go beyond the the practical and start to believe that He can take the elements that we hold and use them to accomplish great things. What seems impossible to man is possible with God. Take the two loaves of bread and five fish and give them to God and see what wonderful things He can do. (John 6a)

Hunger is a natural desire of humanity. We all want our stomach and our taste buds to be satisfied. But, our lives consist more of just flesh and blood, but also of soul and spirit. Our spirits crave to be satisfied and we are always seeks ways to satisfied our heart with love and peace. (John 6b)

To whom shall I go? He is the source of life the giver of grace. No man is able to come to the Father except through Christ. I want Him, I need Him. I will not go anywhere without Him! (john6c)

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