Monday, April 22, 2013

Luke 14-15

The excuses that are given today will fall short in the day judgement. Many will say that I was busy prepare for my life and the future, and didn’t have time for God. Other live to work and there whole life is focus on their job or career, leaving no time for God, and others find that family is more important and put their spouse or their kids before God. All of these reasons have a good cause and we are to be mindful that we do our best to provide for the future, do good work at the job and care for our family, but living for the  kingdom requires that one give it all to God and come to the table of God and feast at the feet of Jesus first.

The price to be a follower of Jesus is not to be taken likely. Claiming to be a disciple of Jesus comes with the willingness to forsake everything in your life that would draw you away from following Him. The decision to follow is more than a mental state of mind, but it is one of action and determination. Yes, before the cross can be carried, one must decide and be willing to carry it. But, the test of discipleship is in the action and not in the intention. There are people full of good intentions, but very few actually will carry their cross to calvary. (luke14b)

The desire of God is to see sinners come to the knowledge of the light of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to be a friend to sinners and went out of His way to reach them. His love for his creation extends to all who are lost and He makes every effort  to meet people at the point of their need no matter their station in life. All have sinned and come short of the kingdom of God, rich and poor alike. He seeks all that are lost to bring them into the fold (Luke 15a)

The wayward son who left his father’s house and his father’s faith and values learned a hard lesson about the real world. The world’s values are to make sure that self is served first. As a general rule, the people of the world are more concerned about self preservation and self interest than the needs of others. The prodigal son soon realized that life outside of God is the pits and it eventually takes you down a road that is desolate and hard. Thank God for His faithfulness to those who leave the fold, and then wake to realized that they missed it. His mercy reaches to the backslider and those who have wander away from their moorings. Those who have lost their way can find their way back to God. (Luke15b)

(Luke 16) ?

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