Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Luke 17-18

Forgiveness is often a hard pill to swallow especially if we have doubt of the sincerity of the apology. It seems once again to be unreasonable to continue to forgive when the offense is often repeated. It takes an “other world” grace to be able to truly forgive someone who is a repeat offender. I too would cry out, “Lord increase my faith”  My mustard seed is having a hard time sprouting.(Luke17a)

The returning of Jesus is unknown, but Jesus did give some indication that His return will come when many have turned away from God and have left the paths of righteousness. The minds and hearts of man will be immerse in the pleasures of this world, God will be place on a shelf and people will turns their heart away from God and live for self gratification. They will only be concern about the things of this world and taking no though the the Kingdom of God in their hearts. Jesus said they will be left behind when He returns. (Luke17b)

Whose prayer does God hear? For certain, a man who thinks highly of himself and exalts his station in life has no need for God. Such a person is wrapped up in self and self-righteousness. They preceive that goodness is derived from good works. They brag of their life of sinlessness and take credit for their purity. Such a person, God cannot help and they will someday realized that they have come short of God’s Glory. The humble and meek spirit of dependence will cause the ear of God to bend low and take notice. It is the humble that God will lift up and draw nigh. (luke18a)

Mercy, Mercy! The cry of the beggar. Blinded and unable to see Jesus, he was able to recognized that the God in the flesh was passing by and He only had the power to give him his sight. The faith of the mustard seed was blooming in the heart of this blind beggar. He believed, and because of his faith, Christ stopped and paused to listen to the cry of this man. Miracles take place when we cry out to God and believe that He is able to perform that which is impossible to man, but possible for God.(luke18b)

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