Friday, April 5, 2013

Luke 6-8

The test of Christianity is found in the actions and reactions of the believer. Words spoken carry weight, but it is acts of kindness and compassion that show the true nature of a person. Showing love and mercy to those who desire to hurt you is to show the love of Christ. His love is what carries us through to love others in spite of the circumstances or situations that we face. It is only through the grace of God that a Christian is able to obtain the love of God that it may be manifested to others. (Luke 6)

in the prison cells of Herod, John the Baptist sat pondering and wondering the purpose of his life. The greatest prophet of all time began to feel that his work was for nought. Discouraged with the turn of events, locked up in a cell and waiting execution, he seeks to find the answers to his nagging doubts. “Jesus, is it really you? Are you the one? Can you give me some assurance I can hold on to? It is just like Jesus to bring hope to the heart of John. ”You did your job John, you prepared the way, the people are receiving the message and their hearts are open to the gospel.“ (Luke7a)

The measure of gratitude is often seen and demonstrated when the debt of forgiveness is great. It is not until one sees the gravity of one’s own heart condition that one is able to express the depth of gratitude of being forgiven of their sins. We all must see ourselves like the woman who fell at the feet of Jesus in humility and unworthiness. When we come face to face with our sins and realized that we are headed to eternity without God, it is then that God can reach down in loving mercy and grace and give us new life and hope. It is this kind of forgiveness that will cause us to give everything to Him, bow at His feet and begin to wash His feet. (Luke7b)

My faith often goes into hiding. The practically of life and the reality that we live in a world that is fallen makes it a challenge to believe that anything can be done. The storms of life and unanswered questions cause faith to go into hiding. How does one muster faith when one is drowning in the sea of discouragement. Grasping the ore of the boat, endeavoring to steer the boat through the bolstering waves of life. Where is God? Where is my faith? Calm the storm Lord, Let me see the work of God manifested. My faith is weak, help my unbelief. (Luke8) 

To only hear the words of the Savior speak to me, would be the solace of mind to calm the fears that I face. To be able to just touch the hem of His garment and sense the virtue of His power flow into my life, would be bliss. He says. “Only believe” The people throng around me, and it is difficult to find my way through. I know He is able, I have seen Him work miracles, but I need to find a way to push through the cares of life and touch Him that my spirits may be renewed. (mark8b)

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