Monday, March 18, 2013

Mark 15-16

The cry to crucify Jesus pierced the darkness of Pontius Pilates’ hall. Hate, envy, and pride ruled the hearts of the chief priest and the people. Who among them who saw the wondrous miracles of Christ to heal the lame and cause the blind to see would utter such a cry. Who among them who ever gazed into the eyes of Jesus and witness the love of Christ would cry out “crucify Him”. Sin and deception ruled that dark Friday morning. Yet He spoke not a word as He walked the dusty path up to Galgotha. (mark 15a)

The sun which normally shines down around noon was covered in darkness. For 3 hours the skies had the erie sense of doom. Jesus hung on the cross suffering and laboring to breathe. Sin nailed Him to the cross, sin scorned and ridiculed Him to the end. The hour had come, He took His last breath with the weight of sin on his breast, He gave up His life to redeem sinful man back to God. The veil of the temple was split in two and the cry of salvation was proclaimed “Surely this was the Son of God” Deity, the ultimate lamb, paid the ultimate price to set men free from the bondage of sin. The Love of God, how measureless. (mark15b)

It was a early in the morning on the first day of the week. The sun was peeking over the horizon. The Sabbath was over and the followers of Jesus were still bewildered by the passing events over the last couple of days. Faith in the future was dashed and shattered a fortnight ago. We often have our hopes and dreams fade away with the circumstances of life, but we who believe God are not without hope. Only believe and it will come to pass. Hope will arise again. He is Alive! He is risen, and He is Alive! (mark16)

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