Monday, July 1, 2013

Acts 10

 “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.”- We often get trapped in our own little box trying to figure out how things should be. Influence by our past experiences and training, we see things with a slanted prospective. God does not limit His work in our box, He is not necessarily displeased with our box, but neither does He want us to be constrained and trapped by it’s limitations. Peter had to get out of his own little world and open his eyes to the world that God wanted him to see.  Moving outside of our little world does not mean we throw away the things that God has given us, it just mean we should allow God to expand our horizons and be ready to be led by God even if it means we have to work outside of our comfort zone. (act 10a)
“In truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”- The culture in most parts of the world very often develop into social classes. The hierarchy of social communities give greater privileges to those who have royal blood, money, or who obtained fame. Greater respect and honor are given to those with such position, but in the eyes of God all men are equal. All men are born in sin and are lost without God. God does not favor people based on their wealth or position in life. All is made equal at the cross. All men will bow the knee to Christ, and all men will be judge according to the condition of their heart. (act 10b)

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