Friday, May 24, 2013

John 7-8

“If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be from God, or whether I speak from Myself.” What is the will of God? Doing His will will open our hearts to the secrets of God that are hid to the natural man. God desires that we become more knowledgable about the deep things of God. This is only done when we are willing to obey Him and draw close enough to Him to learn more about His nature. (John7)

From the depth of the soul flow the living water of God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills the believer with living water that will overflow into everlasting last. Any man that desires to have his thirst quench can come and drink at the source of living water and be satisfied. It is for whosoever will, it only takes willingness and desire for God to be fulfilled. (John7b)

It seems to be human nature to find fault with others and be blinded to ones own faults. We are so demanding of others that they meet a standard of living that we feel will bring the approbation of God. Judgement begins in our own house, examining are own life for inconsistency. Many blindly throw the 1st stone of condemnation, and walk away with a spirit of self-righteousness. Jesus is the light of the world, and He alone knows the hearts of men. May we learn to point all people to Jesus, and let His light shine on the life of others that they also may walk in the light of His love and mercy to sin no more. (John8a)

To be free is living a life of your own free will, not in bondage to serve someone against your will. Sin is a slave master that binds the soul to do the bidding of the devil. To be free from this bondage, one must accept the truth of their spiritual condition. The truth of the matter is Christ has the power to set the captive free. He is Truth and will destroy the works of sin and darkness. He sets men free from the bondage of sin to allow the spirit of man to seek His creator. Such was the plan of God since the foundations of the world.(john 8b)

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