Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Acts 24-25

“When I have a convenient occasion I will call for thee.”- Many of those who live lives of comfort, live life’s of convenience. We like to put things off till it suits our schedule or our mood. In matters that don’t affect eternal choices or life’s journey, it may be just fine to have such care free attitude. But, decisions that affect our eternal destiny, a convenient time may never arise again. Putting off a vital relationship with God is not in our best interest. The Word still speaks, “Now is the time to seek the Lord”. Tomorrow may never come. (Act 24)
“To the Jews have I done no wrong”- Accusations will always be made from those who find fault with your actions. Some accusations are complete made up and others have enough truth in it that it would seem believable. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He desire to do harm to one’s reputation and influences. In many situations, we leave such accusations with God, but there are times when it is right to stand up for truth. Let the Holy Spirit lead if you should stand or let it fall on deaf ears. (Acts 25a)

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