Saturday, June 29, 2013

Acts 9

The power of God to change a life. How awesome it is to see and witness take a person who is lost and and blinded to spiritual things, have his eyes open and see Jesus for who He is. The conversion of Saul of Tarsus turned the world upside down. The greatest missionary that ever lived was sent forth to suffer for Christ that the Name of Christ may be lifted up and glorified. Seeing Jesus, He fell on the ground and turned His life over to Christ. Being blind for 3 days, Paul then experience the in filling of the Holy Spirit in all of it’s power. He became one of the greatest men to experience God’s grace and lead the world to His saving grace. (acts9)
The power of God to heal the sick and and bring life to the dead is manifested in times past to show the Glory of God and help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Such demonstration was seen in the days of Peter and Paul for a specific purpose and reason. God is still able to perform such miracles, but the Holy Spirit now uses the Word to speak and deal with the souls of men. We still see on occasion the true healing of God to heal the leper and to make the cripple walk again, but the greatest miracle is to see God open the blinded eyes of those who are lost in sin and need to find their way out. Amazing grace, that saved a wrench like. I once was blind, but now I see. I once was crippled, but now I walk, I once was dead in trespasses and sins, but now I live my life in Christ. (Acts 9b)

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