Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Luke 9-10

The message of the Kingdom of God is given to those who follow Christ. The power to rebuke evil and cast it out was authorized by Christ to demonstrate His desire that sin and unrighteousness had no part in life of those who claim the Kingdom of God. It was time to move forward and proclaim that Jesus Christ was here, the message of love, mercy, grace, and healing was to be proclaimed. Those who refuse to accept this message were left to their own demise. 

Confessing Christ is not merely an acknowledgment that He is God. A confession of Christ requires one not only to forsake the life of sin they once lived, but to go against the nature of man and deny oneself of their rights in order to see the Kingdom of God come to pass. Leaving self behind is not a decision of determination, it is an experience that is accomplished by the Holy Spirit that empowers the believer to count the cost, pick up their cross and to follow the steps of Jesus. (Luke9a)

Following Christ is more than living by his teachings of morality and goodness. The implication of following Jesus will require one to give their life in full surrender to the whole will of God. To be willing to go wherever He leads, to do whatever He says. In other words, Jesus becomes the priority in a person’s life. Everything is done with Christ at the center. All decision in life are made with the focus, “What would Jesus have me to do” Following Christ also implies that one has already confessed Christ and is now ready to serve Him. (Luke9b)

Seeing God move in miraculous way is awesome, but the greater miracle known to man is knowing that your name is written in the Book of Life. Brought from death to life is the greatest miracle of all time. “I was blind, but now I see” “I was dead in trespasses and sin, but new life through Christ has brought my dead soul into a new beginning. The healing power of God is something to behold, but it is all in vain if your life is still dead in sin. Jesus, said, ”Rejoice that your name is written in heaven“. That is shouting ground. (Luke10a)

Equality is best demonstrated when all men are equally treated with kindness and mercy. God is no respecter of person, and will show mercy to every man who is in need of help. Our neighbor is all of humanity. It is the responsibility of all Christians to show kindness, and be willing to give of our resources to help those that are suffering regardless of their race, greed, or station in life. May I have a heart like the good Samaritan and show mercy. (Luke10b)

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