Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mark 7-10

There is no substitution for truth. Traditions and customs are useful for maintain cultural unity and identity, but they should never trump the Commandments of God. What are His commandments? “Love God with all you heart and your neighbor as yourself."

The actions and behavior of a persons is an indications of the condition of the heart. Where the heart is, so is its treasure. Sin originates from the heart of a person. The defilement of a person is not what is taken in, but comes from the motive of the heart. If the motive of the heart is to please God, then the actions  and behavior of a person will glorify God. (mark 7a)

Sin is like leaven in bread, under the right circumstances, it will begin to overtake the life. We must take heed that we do not let sin reign in our heart, but ask God to remove any trace that will hinder God from having full control. Mark 8

Great men will rise and many will greatly esteem their achievements, but there is only one who stands among them that is deserving of worship. It is He who is nailed to the cross, breeding and dying for all mankind. He and He alone, I will bow the knee and fall at His feet in complete obedience and surrender. (mark 9)

There is nothing in life worth having if it will keep you out of heaven. The pearl of great price is valued beyond anything one can imagine. riches, power, fame, and possession are all but dust when compared to the eternal value of being with God forever. It is better to be lame and destitute than burn in an eternal hell without God. (mark 9b)

The sacred vows of marriage are not to be taken lightly. It was ordained of God from the beginning of time that man and women would become one flesh. The unity of holy matrimony is not the institution of man, but of God. Disregarding vows given before God must be held with sacredness and conviction. (mark 10a)

To be first in the kingdom of God one must first know how to serve. To be great in the eyes of God, we must know how to humble ourselves before Him and before others. The secret of greatness is learning how to serve the needs of others. Christianity is a religion of love and servitude .(mark 10b)

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