Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Acts 3-4

The works of the Holy Spirit once again is manifested through Peter and John. The power to heal was not derived from any righteousness of Peter or John. They gave their lives to be used as instruments in the hands of God. Their lives were yielded to the Holy Spirit who used them to heal the lame man who sat by the gate of Beautiful. It is dangerous to start to think that we in our own power can do anything of worth when it comes to the Salvation of men. It is through the fruit of the Spirit in ours lives that God is able to touch others for Jesus. May we always submit ourselves to God, so that He can use us to touch souls that need God. (Act 3)
If one is to be a true follower of Jesus and His teachings, then one can only conclude that there is no other way to obtained salvation from sin unless one comes to Christ and confesses their sins and believes that Jesus is Savior of mankind who died to redeem man back to God. There is no other religion that will satisfied this requirement. A true believer does not believe that there are many ways to get to heaven. The Apostle Peter made it clear to the the ruler of the Jews, that unless they confess Christ, there is no other way to know the Father. Such is the position of Christianity. Not arrogant, but faithful to the Word of God who spoke of this while He walked the dusty roads of earth. (Act 4)

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