Monday, July 8, 2013

Acts 14-15

“We also are men of like passions as you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God” It is always dangerous to exalt men, and elevating them to a status of “God” A true vessel of God will rebuke anyone who attempts to let others lift them up. People have an tendency to create heroes and idolize individuals. We must always be aware that it is God who exalts and brings down the statue of man. It is incumbent that we always have an attitude of submission, giving glory to God in all that happens to us and in us. (Act 14)
“And God, who knoweth the hearts, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as He did unto us and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.”- Who really knows the heart of men except God! Before the Holy Spirit is given, one must believe that Jesus Christ is God and He died for their sins. It is God who knows if one truly believes. A true believer is now in the position to receive the Holy Spirit, making them holy consecrated to serve God. It is not up to man to judge the validity of God’s filling, but God who may choose to reveal it to men, is the only one who can truly vouch that a heart has been purified by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 15)
“the contention was so sharp between them that they parted asunder,”-The Lord’s work often requires that we part ways with those that we have built relationships with. Paul and Barnabas spent a year together working side by side growing in the grace of God and working together in His kingdom. He who knows the working of men’s heart calls those to service for a special task. We must be willing to part company if the calling of God takes us another direction. It is never pleasant to have strong disagreements among those you have develop strong bonds and relationship with. The reality of life is that no one will always see things the same way. It is hard to imagine that Paul and Barnabas could not have worked something out to avoid such a dramatic parting. But, such was the case between these two holy men of God. Nevertheless, I believe that it is almost always beneficial to work out a solution if possible. If this is not possible, then parting may be the only alternative to keep the work of God from become stalemated and contentions. Unity is critical if the work of God is to continue on. (Acts 15b)

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