Friday, May 31, 2013

John 11

Experiencing a resurrection is the epitome of our existence. Christ is the champion of Life because He is Life. Outside of Him life is no more than lifeless existence and gratifying the lust desires of the flesh. This mortal fresh shall pass way, but the eternal spirit of the soul shall live through Him. Faith. The key that unlocks the mystery of life is found in Him who is the Resurrection and the Life that can take a person who is dead in trespasses and sin and raise him up to life everlasting.  (john 11)
Our faith often needs a boost. Wanting to believe and actually believing lead to two different ends. But, having a a desire to believe is a start. God can work in a heart that desires to believe. My human tendency is to draw back and think of practical solutions to life and use the resources that God has given us to solve issues and problems. But, there is only so much that can be done in the human, at some point I need the Lord to call out “Lazarus, come forth!” the situation does not look good, hurt and disappointments lead to discouragement. I need God to do a miracle, I know He can, but will He? (john 11b)
On of many paradoxes from the lips of Jesus is dying to live. In order to live a life that is fulfilling, one must first die to all selfish desires and ambitions. To be free to live a life pleasing to God, it is important that we lose ourselves in God. Dying to self is a foreign process and contrary to our human instincts. As Christ gave His life of His own free will, so must we be willing to give our lives if we hope to see life eternal. (john 11c)

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