Monday, April 29, 2013

Luke 19-20

It matters not who you are in the world. Jesus is no respecter of person. He comes to visit any who are willing to open their doors and invite Him in. In the face of political opposition, Zacchaeus climbed the sycamore tree to gather the attention of Jesus. He would not let the obstacle of life and his personal limitations keep him from getting an audience with the Savior. Zacchaeus was willing to come clean and make right his wrongs to obtain the approbation of Christ. Before one can be found, one must realized that they are lost. Jesus came to save the lost. (Luke19)

It is only fitting that one would praise God for His blessings. The presences of Jesus coming into the city Jerusalem caused the people to cry out in song. For years they waited the Kingdom of God to come and now the time had arrived. We were made to praise God. It is in the very nature of our spiritual being to lifted up our voices to Him. If we fail to do what God desires, then nature will shout out His glory. Surely we are more valuable to God than the rocks of the earth.(Luke 19b)

Christ came to save the world, even the scribes and the pharisees, but the pride of their heart rejected Him. They were threaten by sway that Christ had on the populous. Their power over the people was being challenged. The message of Christ was humility and submission, such was not in the nature of these men. Christ called them out and they were mad. People will find any way they can to do away with the voice of God that causes their hearts to be trouble. Sin stops at nothing. (luke20a)

Because God knows the hearts of men, there are no “trick” questions that He does not already know. Manipulation of God is foolishness. His answers will always cause  the questions to backfire. The scribe and sadducees walked away shaking their heads and the deceitfulness of their heart revealed for all to see. You cannot pull the wool over the eyes of Jesus, He is God and knows the hearts and motives of men. (luke20b)

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