Saturday, March 30, 2013

Luke 3-5

John preached a radical gospel of repentance, humility, and selflessness. He cut to the root of the heart, pride and rebellion against God. If one is to truly turn their life over to God, it will require more than lip service. The choice to go with God will require a full surrender to God’s commandments. Such requirements can only be fulfilled when one gives their life to Christ and allows the Holy Spirit to Baptize the Heart with fire, purging the heart from all sin. (Luke3)

Temptation comes in many forms. We are often tempted to put our trust in earthly things and satisfied human desires in a way that is unholy, when we should be trusting God’s Word. Achieving position and power through unrighteous methods has corrupted many. Some will presume upon God’s love and mercy and recklessly do things that God has not required, one cannot ties the hands of God and demand that God do things that are not His will. Christ showed the way out of temptation. resist the devil, speak the Word, and stay focused on worshiping God alone. (Luke4)

He only needs to speak the word and it shall be done. The Devil fear and tremble when in the presence of Jesus. The blind see, the lame walk, and the demons of hell are cast out when He speaks the word. The devils that roam the earth are no match for His power and might. It is through the name of Jesus, the power of His will that we can overcome the wickedness of this day. Let us go forth baring the cross and invoking His Name and His Blood that was shed for sin and unrighteousness. (Luke4)

You will never know what might happen when you launch out in the deep. Spiritually, God will often call us to go into deeper waters, for it is only there where we will be able to experience what God has for us. As we begin to see the workings of God in our life we begin to understand how unworthy we are. He showers us with His blessings and does things that go beyond are expectation. No wonder the disciples were willing to forsake all that the world has to offer and to follow Christ in full obedience. (Luke5a)

Desperation calls for desperate means. Getting through to God will often require us to get earnest. It must become the overwhelming priority in our life if we want God to do great things in our lives. For the man with palsy, he convince others around him to see the need to go beyond the reasonable to accomplish the impossible. What may seem strange to others, is often the only way to get through to God. “Whatever it takes, to draw closer to you Lord, that is what I am willing to do.” (Luke 5b)

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