Tuesday, June 11, 2013

John 18-19

It bobbles my mind to realize that God knows our every thought and knows the choices we will make before we even choose. This is known as the Omniscience power of the Holy God. Judas was not made to denied Christ just so that the scripture might be fulfilled, God knew that Judas would sell out cheap. Peter was not made to deny the Savior, but He knew that Peter would choose to deny that he was a follower of Jesus. What does God know about my choices. My heart’s desire is to always choose that which is right. In the foreknowledge of God, I trust that He will find me making the right choices to love and serve Him all the days of my life. (john18)
What is Truth? The question rings in the ears of men and women through out history. We all seek to know what is right and true. Like Pilot, we come face to face with Jesus, who reveals to each of our hearts what truth is. To live and follow the steps of Jesus is to live in truth, to do His will is to live a life of truth. (john18b)
The battle waged in the heart of Pilot. He was convince that this was more than a mere man. He too was almost persuaded to use his power to release Jesus from death roll, but self ruled in the heart of Pilot, his reputation was at stake and his allegiance to Caesar was challenged. To the very end, Pilot knew that Jesus was King. He was the king of Truth from another world. The shout of the Jews to Crucify Jesus will ring in the ears of Pilot for eternity. (john19)
the plan of salvation was completed as Jesus spoke His last words. “It is Finished”. The completion of the work of redemption came to an end. Jesus paid the ultimate price. He died to set men free from the death of sin. It is finished! We now can come boldly to the throne of God through Jesus Christ. 

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