Tuesday, May 28, 2013

John 9-10

We were all born blind spiritually. The nature of sin that we all are born with puts a shadow over our eyes and we are not able to see the things of God. Jesus came into the world as the light of men to shine the light of God’s love to all who will heed and do His will. He desires to open the blinded eyes of humanity that they may see that they are lost in sin, yet can be healed to see the light of God and receive it. God touched my blinded eyes almost 40 years ago. My prayer is to be able to see how Jesus sees. “Give me more light that I may know how to manifest His love, grace, and mercy”. (John 9a)

When the eyes of our understanding are open, He becomes the whole of our life. We see Jesus, who takes away the darkness and cloud of doubt that causes us to fear and tremble. We believe because He opened our eyes so that the light of truth may enter in. Such wonderful sight, how amazing is the face of Jesus. No wonder we bow down and worship Him. Lord, I believe! (john9b)

The abundant life is given to us by the good Shepherd who is willing to give His life that His sheep may live. The abundant life is found in the pasture of God’s love. Finding this pasture is only gained when one goes through the door of Christ. The door that leads to the abundant life and life everlasting is Jesus. He is the only door given to us by the Father. Jesus desires more for us than just having our sins forgiven, He desires that we gaze in the pastures of land and living a life that is abundantly full of joy and happiness. Such is the life of one who lives for Him. (john10)
Those that call Him Father are His sheep. The sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd because they know that the shepherd will guide them and protect them from danger. The comfort to know that He also understands the need of His sheep and His power is able to keep anyone from doing harm to them. The promise of eternal life is given to them than put their trust in the Shepherd. Fear of perishing is removed and love and safely in the arms of Jesus is secured. (john10)

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