Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Lord is Gracious

Psalm 145: 1-10, 14-21
Nov. 18th, 2007

Where are the praises of men? Americans takes one day out the year to give thanks for their many blessings. But, for a true believer in Christ, praise and thanksgiving is a natural occurrence that is expressed everyday of the year. We serve a great and mighty God who through Christ has given us a great salvation. Praise should come natural for the Christian, it should always be on the “tip of our tongue” ready to speak and express our love and gratitude toward a loving and merciful God.

Exalt Highly His Name
(vs1. I will extol thee)
• No other name under heaven
• Priorities shows what you extol
• If I be lifted up…
Everyday Praise (vs2. Everyday will I bless thee)
• This is the day that the Lord has made
• Consistent praise. Good days, bad days
Enormity of God (vs3. Great is the Lord)
• How great is our God!
• We serve a mighty God
Express his Majesty (vs.5, 21. I will speak; my mouth shall speak)
• Our lives speak volumes
• Speaking- communicating to others
• Let everything that has breath!
Empathy of a Loving God (vs8. Full of compassion)
• He is gracious and good- Every good thing is from Him
• He loves us and is patient with us
Eyes Focused on God (vs.15. The eyes of all who wait)
• Keeping our focus on Him and not our circumstances
Ear of God is Listening (vs19. He also will hear their cry)
• He listens to those who fear Him
• He will draw nigh to them, who draw nigh to Him
Elimination of the Wicked (vs.20 The wicked will He destroy)
• Judgment to those who seek self and love self
Everlasting Praise (vs.21 Bless His Holy name for ever and ever)
• The Rocks will cry out if the flesh does not
• Eternity in Heaven- Praise will not cease

Walking in Truth

2 John 1-11
November 11th, 2007
Through out the writings of John, he is adamant about knowing Christ, believing in Christ, and loving as Christ loved. In this letter written to a family household that welcomed believer, he admonitions them to continue to show the spirit of Christ by loving one another, but he also warns them of the danger of those who are bend on twisting the truth and deceiving others about Christ and His reason for coming. We need to be always on guard that we do not find ourselves being deceived and associating, or (sanctioning) with those who spread false doctrine concerning Christ.

Salutations to the Lady (vs1 unto the elect lady)
• The Lady Kuria and her children
• Greetings, in the name of Christ (Truth)
• Grace- divine favor, Mercy-God’s pardon, Peace-tranquility
Sincerity of the Children (vs4 children walking in truth)
• Children following truth
• The battle for our children
• #1 priority- Saving of our children
Shouts of rejoicing (vs4 I rejoice greatly)
• Joy in the Camp- Angels rejoice
• Something to praise God for
Standard of True Christianity (vs5 that we love...)
• The mark of a true Christian
• The Commandment- To love
• Keep His commandment-Love God, love others
Spiritual Deception (vs7 for many deceivers...)
• Be aware of those in sheep clothing
• Deny the Deity of Christ (the God-Man)
• Hold on to essential truth. Which is?
Separation from Antichrist (vs10 receive him not)
• Opposed to Christ
• Those who do not abide in Christ
• Question? Is everything secular, antichrist?
Sending off False Teachings (vs11 neither bid him God speed)
• Manifest Christ- Be kind, but hold to truth
• Speak out- (rebuke) against false teaching
• Associate yourself with truth
• Accomplice to False Doctrine

Life in the Son

1 John 5:10-21
Nov. 4th, 2007

We live in a day where the world does not accept anything as absolute truth, unless it is their truth. All things are relative to what is perceived in each individual. “What is truth to you is not truth to me” Where this may be the case in some arenas of living, it is not the case when it comes to Christ and the purpose of His coming. In this, Christians are intolerant. There is no other argument there is no other truth. Jesus said, “I am the truth, life and the way.” No man comes to God except through Him. The sin unto death is to reject this truth and worship other idols.
Believing in Christ (v10. He that believeth..)

• What is the witness?
• Who is the liar? God or Man?
• God’s record is true- He does not lie.
Because He Live (v11. God has given us..)
• The record came down to earth to give His life
• We now have a claim on eternal life because of Him
Bearer of Christ (v12. He that hath the Son..)
• If we have Christ, then we have this life
• If we do not bear Christ in our life, then we don’t have life
• The purpose of the record was to establish credence (knowing)
Beseeching Christ (v14. If we ask..)
• Therefore we have confidence in Him
• Ask anything according to His Will
• Jesus said, Ask, and ye shall receive.)
Brother found in sin (v16 If any man see his brother)
• The spirit of restoration
• What is the sin unto death? Rejection of Christ
Born of God (v18 Whosoever is born of God)
• Evidence of being born of God
• Abstaining from sin is not salvation
• Salvation is an experience, not an intellectual acceptance
Begotten of God (v18 begotten of God)
• Abiding in Christ will separate you from the world
• We know have spiritual understanding
Beloved only to Christ (v 21 keep yourself from idols)
• Who do we idolize- admire, esteem?
• Spiritual idolatry is putting Christ in 2nd place
• Christ must be 1st in everything we do.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Perfect Love

1 John 4:7-19
October 28th, 2007

The Love of God how measureless, that I, a sinner should be loved by God who is Holy and Just. How is it possible for man to be filled with such love? It is only through the propitiation of Christ that we are able to have this love dwell within us. Man in his sinful condition, is not capable of manifesting such love to God or to one another. Therefore, If we desire to love as God wants us to love, we must allow Christ to dwell in His fullness in our hearts. “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost that is given unto us” May divine love rule and reign in our hearts and show it’s fruits in ours lives.

Love that is Mutual
(let us love one another)
• How do we show love one to another?
• Evidence of being born of God- “Behold how they love…”
• If God loved us, we ought to love one another.
Love that Matters ((born of God)
• Divine Love only comes from God
• If you know God, then you will show love
Love that is Manifest (In this was manifested the love of God)
• God’s Love toward man is
• God’s Love is shown through the giving of His Son
• Christ is "the propitiation," because by His becoming our substitute and assuming our obligations He expiated our guilt, covered it, by the vicarious punishment which he endured
Loves Mysteries Unfold (Herby know we)
• Seeing God is only seen through someone who loves God
• The dwelling of God can only abide in a heart of love
• It begin with confessing Jesus as Savior
Love Made Perfect (Herein is our love made perfect)
• Then face to face…then shall I know and be known
• There is no fear (of judgment) to them that abide in perfect love
• We cannot properly love without His love dwelling in us.

A Child of God- Free From Sin

1 John 3:1-10
Oct. 21, 2007
The debate among believers in Christ concerning this subject baffles me. The question weather a Christian can sin and remain a Christian should be easy to answer. God’s Word is clear on this point. Many will try and twist the Word of God to justify their own behavior, but John is incontestable and unequivocal concerning this matter. “He that is born of God does not commit sin.” This does not mean that it is impossible for a Christian to sin, but as long as a Christians abides in Christ, allowing Christ to live and take control, he will not transgress the known will of God. If he does, he does have an advocate with the father, to restore one back into fellowship, but one must petition Christ and asked for forgiveness.
Abounding Love (what manner of love)
• For God so loved…
• His love reaches deeper than the stain of sin
Adopted of God (sons of God)
• Identify as a child of God- part of God’s family
• The world (society w/o God) lack of understanding
Appearing of Christ (He shall appear)
• Doubts of humanity being part of heavenly
• When faith shall become sight- we shall be like him
Acts of Sin (commits sin)
• The duty of man – to be set apart from sin
• Breaking the laws of God is unrighteous
• Sin- a willful transgression against the KNOWN will of God
Away with Sin (take away our sins)
• Jesus, sinless lamb of God made the supreme sacrifice
• Jesus came and died to take away sin
Abiding in Him (whosever abides)
• Christ is the vine, we are the branches
• John 15- If ye keep my commandments…
Affiliating with the Devil (is of the devil)
• Practicing sin is of the devil- One sin or many sins
• Disobedience leads to unbelief- Sin of Adam and Eve
• Unbelief and faithlessness does not please God
Avoiding Sin (does not commit sin)
• Born of God- Marvel not, ye must be born again
• Cannot commit sin if Christ abides within- spiritual life
Attributes of a Child of God (in this the children of God are manifest)
• If you break God’s commandments, you are no longer of God
• Ye shall know them by their fruit. If ye love me keep…
• Manifest by the way we love- Behold how they love…

The Way To God

1 John 1-10
October 7, 2007

One of the foundation truths that must not be compromise is the deity of Christ. Upon this doctrinal truth rest the whole Word of God. He is truly man and truly God. There is none other that is able to provide full salvation that brings man restoration with a Holy God. He died for the sins of man and provided a way for all to live holy in this present world. The essence of a real Christian is not in what he believes about Christ, but knowing Christ as Savior and Lord of their life. In this we know, if we abide in Him, He abides with us.

Witness His Humanity (which we have seen)
• He was from the beginning- all thing came by him (John 1)
• Observation using our senses
Word of Life (of the Word of Life)
• He is the Word (the Logos)
• The Living Word- The Bible speak volumes of Him)
Worshiping together (may have fellowship with us)
• Maintaining fellowship with other believers
• Central focus of our communing together is with God
Writing with a purpose
• Declaring truth to other
• Joy is made full
Walk in the Light (if we walk in the light)
• He is the light we walk in- Follow Christ- His Cross
• Walk in darkness- living in sin
• Light and dark cannot fellowship together
Washed in the Blood (blood of Jesus…cleanseth)
• Staying under the blood of Christ
• The Power of the Blood of Christ
Way to God (confess our sins)
• Condition salvation- not conditional love
• The faithful of God to forgive
• Sin and wickedness is remove- Our sins cast away
Willfulness of Man (if we say)
• The free will of man to decide and choose
• All have sinned and must acknowledge depravity
• God is true and does not deceive or lie

The Whole Duty of Man

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10; 12:1,13,14
Sept. 30th, 2007

The philosophy of man is to get all it can, well they can. Life is short and many choose to live it in sinful self-indulgence and gratifying pleasure. The carefree life style of the youth of our day, and most generation is the epitome of a life, void of fearing God. They go through life without much thought of facing God at the judgment for the deeds done in the flesh. They reason, that such a life of piety and righteous living is for the latter days of their lives. But God say, that the whole of man from youth to old age is to serve and fear God. God has not deprive the youth a life of gaiety, but all must remember that everyone will give an account to God for acts done in the flesh.

Giving of our Substance (cast your bread)
• Giving in faith- God gives the increase
• The principle of giving- because we want to
• “Lord, when did we see you hungry” in so much…
Go and Sow (in the morning sow thy seed)
• What about calculated giving? Are we not to be stewards
• Waiting till the right situation
• If you never sow, you will never reap
Gaiety of the Youth (let thy heart cheer)
• Young people having fun. What is God’s Plan
• The benefits of serving God in our youth- growing mature
• We will give an account for how we spend our days
Gifts of Youth (days of our youth)
• Remember who gave you your gifts
• We our not are own, we belong to God
• Choices that are made in youth have lasting effects
God’s Purpose for man (this is the whole of man)
• What does it all boil down to?
• What really matters in life- money, job, success?
• The being of man is the knowing and living in awe of God
Good and Bad Brought Before God (bring every work)
• All we be accountable to God- Young and old alike
• Facing God at the Judgment without pretense
• We must all appear the judgment seat.. 2 Corith. 5:10

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Time and Judgment

Ecclesiastes 8: 1-13
September 23, 2007
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” the words of warning from the pen of the Hebrew writer should cause all of us to take inventory of our lives. We all must someday face the reality that this life will come to an end and only that which is done for Christ will last. May we follow the words of Solomon and live our lives with a holy fear of God.

Countenance of the Wise-
(wisdom makes his face to shine)
• Understanding what is really important in life
• Wisdom from God- the light of God shines
• Shine for Jesus- Our countenance reveals spirit
Council to Obey- (keep the king’s commandment)
• Maintaining respect for authority even when we don’t agree
• Obey them that govern over you- maintain civil rest
• Better to obey God than man
Comprehend God’s Time- (discerns both time and judgment)
• Chafe not under His providence
• God does all things right
• To every thing there is a season
Concern about the Future- (he knows not that which shall be)
• Those who seek a sign- astrology (the way of the wicked)
• Be not anxious for tomorrow- sufficient is the day…
Control of Life is Gods- (no man hath power…)
• Only God can give life and maintain it
• He knows the number of our days
Confronting Death- (there is no discharge…)
• Life is life a vapor- a shadow passing
• All will face death- there is no avoiding this enemy
• Christ has overcome death- we can be victor
Coarse of Wicked Leaders- (they were forgotten…)
• The dangers of being elevated to a position of authority
• Come and gone from the place of the holy
Continuation of Evil- (fully set … to do evil)
• Presumption of God’s mercy
• False security leads to recklessness and uncheck behavior
Coming Judgment- (it shall not be well with the wicked)
• For the righteous there is no fear to them that fear God
• The day of reckoning for the Godless-wicked

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Words of Wisdom

Eccl. 5:1-12
September 16th, 2007
The words of the “Preacher” are given to those who wish to live a life that is pleasing to God. A right relationship with God requires a careful walk with Him. It is the deep desire of the Godly person to walk in the light that they are given. It is imperative that we are found faithful to the words of wisdom spoken to us through God’s faithful servants. May we heed the advise to worship God in His house, honor God with our words, and to be mindful of our attitude toward the wealth of this world

House of God-Goest to the House of God
• “Keep thy foot”-respect God’s house
• Listen to God
• Better to obey than sacrifice
Haste Not when Speaking- Thy words be few
• Think before you speak
• Let your words be few
• Pray not like the Pharisee-seen of men
• A fool cannot keep his mouth shut
Honor your vows- defer not to pay
• Be care what you promise
• Vows- To vow or not vow
Have and Have Not-seest the oppression of the poor
• The rich seem to get richer
• The unrighteous seem to prosper
• The poor are being taken advantage
Higher Powers in Control- For He that is higher
• God exalts and brings down
• God is still the Sovereign Ruler
Happiness is Never Obtained- …shall not be satisfied
• Riches do not bring satisfaction
• Only that done for Christ will last
• True happiness is only found in submitting to God
Haven of Rest-sleep of the labouring man is sweet
• Resting in the Almighty
• Anxiety for tomorrow can be put away
• The unrest for the sinner and self-seeker

Vanity and Vexation

September 9th, 2007
Eccl. 1:12-2:4,10,11
Solomon, known to be the wisest man who every lived to his day. Unfortunately, he failed to apply his own knowledge and wisdom to his own life. Solomon comes to the end of his life and reflects back with dissatisfaction. What has been gain from the fruit of his labor? He realizes that he obtained everything that the world had to offer and he still was left empty. His pursuit for life’s purpose and meaning could not be found in earthly mean or worldly satisfaction. He set his affection on things below and not on thing above. Such is the case with all who seek lasting joy and contentment in this life. It is only through seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness that one finds fulfillment. Jesus said, “I am come that they (mankind) might have life, and that they (mankind) might have it more abundantly.” The abundant life can only be found through Christ, all else is vain and vexation when seeking true meaning and joy in this life.

Prestige or position (king over Israel)
• Being known and held up in high esteem
• Having rank or power
Philosophy of the world (my heart had wisdom and knowledge)
• Thinking- expanding the mind- looking within
• Wisdom- knowing what is right prudent
• Knowledge- obtaining information and retaining
Powerlessness of Man (cannot be made straight)
• Man’s inability to make himself right
• Man is corrupt and sinful and in need of a sinless Savior
Pleasures or enjoyment of life (pleasure is also vanity)
• Have a sense of good feelings-“Happiness”
• Amusement and entertainment
Sinful satisfactions
Prosperity or possessing worldly gain
(I am come to great estate)
• Seeking fortune
• Things and material wealth
Production by my hand (I made me great works)
• Job satisfaction
• Place of employment

God's Majesty

August 26th, 2007
Job 38:1-6, 40:1-14
What a mighty God we serve! Who among us can stand face to face with God and contend that God doesn’t know what He is doing? Job is now in the presence of the Almighty. It is time to put away the mere words and arguments of man and let God speak. At some point in Job’s suffering, he began to question God’s dealing. In his finite human ability, he endeavored to try to understand the providences of God and the full purpose of his life. He knew that he had not sinned against God but, and began to question the goodness of God. He realized that God was Holy and Just and ruled over the affairs of Man, but God had somehow left job “out to dry”. God is good! And He does all things right. Often in our own life, we find ourselves wondering why God has allowed bad things to come are way. If we are not careful, we will begin to question the goodness of God and His divine providence. We would never blame God foolishly, but we begin wonder if God really loves us. Like Job, we may need to come to a point of “repentance” and cast all of our cares upon Him for He cares for us and is mighty to show His power in our behalf.

Man’s Finite Comprehension
• Our understanding is limited to our knowledge
• The reasons and purposes of life are not ours to always know
Man’s Finite Knowledge
• Man’s knowledge is limited
• We will forever be learning more about God and His knowledge
God is Omniscient
• What a mighty God we serve- All knowing from start to finish
• The eternal God who has all things in his control
Job is Speechless
• In the presence of God we have no argument
• Job realizes his Woe is me!
Job Acknowledges his Faults
• Reflected on the providence of God
• Reflected on the wisdom, kindness, goodness, mercy of God
God Does All Things Right
• How far do we question God before start doubting Him
• He does all things well and is right and holy
Man’s Inability to Rise Above His Own Fate
• New age philosophy
• Man’s futile attempt to be God

Elihu's Advice to Job

August 19th, 2007
Job 36:1-18
With confidence, Job puts his faith in God and His mercy. He was resolute in his convictions that as far as he knew in his heart, he did not do anything that would cause the suffering he was going through. Realizing that Job was not going to admit that he had sinned against God, Elihu takes a different approach. It may be that Job was going through all this because God was unhappy with Job in some area of his life. That he may be experiences bad things, because God was correcting or chastising him for some things in his life that was not sin, but bad judgment. God does chasten those that He loves, and sometime the chastisements of the Lord are not pleasant. Once again, the words that Elihu speaks are full of truth and speak accurately about the nature and attributes of God, but like his counter partners, he too assumed that Job was doing something wrong, and it needed to be corrected. The words we speak are often true and accurate, but are they always appropriate. May we always be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove and we speak and minister to others.
Compelled to Speak
• When are you compelled to speak up?
• Elihu’s could not restrain himself any longer
Convince of Speech
• His doctrine was right- Stayed with truth
• He was confident of his words
Colossal God
• A mighty God is He
• The holiness of God’s might
Condemnation of the Wicked
• Belligerently break God’s law- mistreatment of others
• Life is short for the wicked-Death waits at the door
Chastisement of the Righteous
• His eyes are always on the righteous
• Why? Change ways, listen to instruction, turn around.
Cry of the Hypocrite
• Lord! Lord! Have we not….
• Cry of sorrow without repentance
Christ Paid the Ransom
• We all deserve the wrath of God
• Mercy through Christ and the ransom He paid

Job's Confidence

August 12th, 2007
Job 19:1-11, 19-27
In the shadow of despair and hopelessness, Job sees a ray of light shining through the dark clouds that surrounded him. He sternly rebukes those who have accused him wrongly and stands firm in his belief that he has done nothing that would cause the torrent of calamities that he is facing. He still does not understand why God is allowing all the pain and suffering, but he maintains his integrity toward God and is confident that God will see him through. We often go through trails and hardships without understanding the purpose, but God who stands alone as all knowing will judge right in the end. We may never know all the reasons why, but we can know that God lives and He is ultimately in control.

Agony of soul

• Beyond physical pain
• Rebuke those who cause more suffering
Accepting of fault
• “ I could be wrong, but it is not God’s Fault”
• We must always realize that we might be mistaken
Ascribe his suffering from God
• All things do come from God
• Caught in the net of God without know why
Anguish and hopeless
• Fence up- no where to go, no hope for the future
• A Tree uprooted with no hope to live again
Abhorred by friends
• When Friend turn on you
• Don’t give pity, but show compassion and sympathy
Affirming of our faith
• Epitaph of our life- Let it be know
• Though He slay, still he lives
Avenger of right
• God will make all thing right
• We live not for this world, but for the world to come
• Like the beggar, our reward may be in the life after.

Zophar, The Religous Dogmatist

August 5th, 2007
Job 11: 1-16, 20
Job is now in the midst of confusion. He is crying out to God for answers. He does not understand why he is being afflicted when he has done his best to flee wickedness and live right. Zophar, a man of self- importance, and one who values his opinion very highly is tired of Job’s “whining”. Job must see that there is only one cause for this suffering. Job has sinned, and he needs to stretch out toward God and confess his wickedness to God. Zophar leaves no room for any other possibilities, his ideas on how God works are right and there is only one way to deal with it. He usurps himself as God and passes judgment on Job with an air of arrogance and self-righteousness. When defending the faith, we must always stand for truth, but it must always be done in a spirit of meekness and humility.

Convinced opinion
• Job’s words go unanswered
• “Job, you are wrong, now listen to me”
Contend for the truth
• “Bless God! I’ll sent them right”
• More concern about being “right” than showing mercy
Condemnation of others
• Only God truly knows the heart of man
• Praying for others with compassion
Comprehension of God
• Man’s finite ability to comprehend all
• God’s sovereign will is accomplished
• Nothing is hid from God
• God knows the heart no matter the outward appearance
• Job’s declaration of righteousness is put the question
Confession of sin
• Prepare your heart- attitude of sorrow
• Stretch out your hand- Humility and God dependent
• Put iniquity away- confession and restitution
• The tabernacle is free of wickedness- sin is no longer entertained
Confidence toward God
• Clean conscience toward God and man
• Doubt and fears are swept away
Consequences of un-confess sin
• Hope is gone, life ends in despair

Bildad the Legalist

July 29th, 2007
Job 8:1-14,20
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. (Ps. 19:9) Who can escape his Justice? The “comfort” that Job received from Bildad was that Job was paying for breaking God’s laws. God was exacting punishment on Job by bring him calamity and suffering. The wages of sin is death, and Job was received what was due to him. Job was mystified concerning his fate. He did not comprehend the purpose and reasons for his misfortune and questioned God’s dealings with mankind. Bildad approached the problems of Job through the eyes of a lawyer. If Job is experiencing bad things, then God is punishing Job for doing something evil. The law of sowing and reaping is implied to the calamity of Job’s life. How quick are we to say, “They deserve what they got”. “They made their bed, now they must lay in it”. Where is mercy and compassion? Until we have walked in their shoes, it is always best to lean toward love and mercy and leave the judgments and justice to a Holy God.

Provoke response
• Bildad rebukes Job for not taking Eliphaz advise
• React to Job’s questioning of God’s character
Perverted justice
• God’s standard for right and wrong are always the same
• God is just, therefore Job has sinned
Presumption of sin
• Assuming is not good policy
• Innocent, until proven guilty- Then What?
Prosperity is absent
• What is meant by, “the righteous shall prosper”
• Prosperity is not a sign of God’s approbation
• The rich man and the beggar
Profound wisdom from the past
• We can often glean wisdom from past experience
• Must be careful how we apply past to the present
• Is right and wrong always the same for all generations
Parables from the past
• Papyrus and bulrushes- sudden destruction when God is gone
• God’s blessings is short lived for the hollow life
• May look good on the outside for short while, but will soon collapse because they are empty inside
• Spider web- Self-righteousness- no substance- all show
• Job is accused of being like papyrus and a spider web

Eliphaz the Moralist

July 15th, 2007
Job 4:7-9, 5:2-8, 12-18
After several days of silent mourning, Job finally speaks about his treaded conditions and wishes that he had never been born. Such is the rueful condition of Job experiences. He was at the end of his endurance, weak, feeble and emotionally spent. His nerves were probably shot and his mind in a deploring state. How much worse can life get? “If this is what living is about, I wish I would have never been born.” It is not uncommon for people to lose all hope of life when life seems to “bottom out”. It is normally comforting to have a friend close by during these times of despair. But, it is important that advise from friends be based on God’s Word and not on human moral reasoning. Eliphaz response to Job had a lot of good things to say if Job was truly a sinner. Job did not need accusation and his righteousness questioned, he needed comforting and understanding. The reproving words of Eliphaz admonished Job to repent and return to God. He needed to admonish Job to trust God, and lean not on his own understanding, but acknowledge God as sovereign.

Ruefulness of Job
• He pities the day he was born
• His countenance is full of anguished
• Death is received with “open arms”
Response of Eliphaz
• Base on observation
• Logic- “it stands to reason”
Righteousness Questioned
• Law of sowing and reaping
• God does judge wrong doings with vengeance
• What does God’s word say about the righteous suffering?
Reproving Words
• Speaking foolishly (job’s cry wishing he had not be born)
• The curse of sin- suffering of man
• The opinions of man are often tainted with misconceptions
Return to God
• Assumption that we have sinned
• Plead guilty and be done with it
• Accept what happens as “God’s correction”
• Seek God- rely on His mercy
• Truth is spoken, but not applied appropriately
Rest in God’s Sovereignty
• Lean not on our own understanding
• He is in Control

Job's Faithfulness

July 8th, 2007
Job 2:1-13
It was enough that Job suffered the lost of his children and processions. We often feel that we have reached the end of our endurances. And, often asked the questions. Could it get any worse? Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve this? Will it every end? No doubt, Job went through an emotional trauma as he was informed of his misfortunes. He was at the bottom and it seemed that he could not go any further down. But, the spiritual warfare still rages between good and evil. Satan’s desire is to bring ultimate defeat to man’s faith in God. It is said that every man and women has a price. And, at some point will be willing to sell. Satan was determined to bring down Job. God believed in Job’s undying faith and determination to do what was right no matter what happen. The testing of Job was more than physical anguish, but he also had to struggle with the hard questions in life. Does God really love me? Where is God when I need Him? What is the purpose of my life?

Spiritual Warfare vs.1-3 (Satan came... before the Lord)
• We fight not against flesh and blood
• Satan attacks the “apple of God’s eye”
Severe Trails (vs.4 skin for skin)
• Material and social lose
• Physical, emotional, and mental
Sovereignty of God (vs.6 save his life)
• God is in control
• He will not allow a temptation-more than we can bare
Sorrow and Suffering (vs.8 sat among the ashes)
• Dealing with pain
• All that live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer…
Speech Betrays (vs.10 thou speaketh… foolish)
• For out of the mouth comes cursing and blessing
• Let no corrupt communication proceed
• The power of words and speech
Sympathy of Friends (vs. 11 come to mourn with him)
• Bare one another burdens – so fulfill the law of God
• So glad to be apart of God’s family
• Sincere grief for those who suffer lose
Silence in time of Grief (vs13 and none spake a word)
• Custom of the day- Protocol, having respect for others
• Presence can do when words fail

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Job, God’s Servant

Job 1:1-13, 19-22

It is speculated that Job lived before the time of Egypt captivity. He may have even been alive before or during the time of Abraham. Since Job makes no reference to the laws of God given on Mt Sinai, It is safe to say that his knowledge of God was based on his family’s upbringing of the one true God. Job was taught to fear God, abstain from evil, and to always do right. Job lived a prosperous and successful life. Like Abraham, who God blesses, Job was a wealthy man who honored God with his substance. He was a servant of God who understood that he was a steward of God’s earth. The test of Job’s servanthood and devotion to God had not yet come. It is Satan’s desire to cause man to fall and fail, but God desires that men’s faith grow stronger by trusting and giving all things into the hand of God.

Character of Job-
(upright. vs.1)
• He was a man of righteousness- like Noah
• Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
Cumulation of Wealth- (greatest. vs.3)
• Are riches a sign of God’s blessings?
• The love of money is the root of all evils.
Continual Sacrifice- (continually vs.5)
• Job concern about his family spiritual condition
• Burnt sacrifice- Christ died once and for all.
Coming to the Lord- (Satan came vs.6)
• Sons of God- to give an account
• Satan comes with evil motives
• Like a lion seeking whom he can devour.
Consider Job- (hast thou consider vs.8)
• Putting Job to the test
• God’s faith in Job’s integrity
Curse Predicted- (he will curse thee vs. 11)
• The hedges of God- What are they?
• Accuser of the brethren- Why do we serve Him?
Consent of God- (all he has vs. 12)
• Nothing can happen without the permission of God
Calamity Hits- (they are dead vs. 19)
• The storms of life will test are resolve
• Why bad things happen to good People
Charged not God- (nor charged God foolishly vs. 22)
• Job’s determination to serve, remain a servant of God
• Full consecration to the God’s will without bitterness.

True Christianity

Mark 12:28-34, 38-40

Truth is defined as a verified or undisputable fact. Jesus proclaimed to be the truth. He not only spoke words of truth, but He himself was the essence of truth. True Christianity is to know Him. This goes beyond following a creed of rules or rituals. True Christianity is a relationship that is then manifest by the religion we live. Following the Christian faith or religion in truth requires a prerequisite. One must first be born of God through the Spirit, made a new creature through the sacrificial death of Christ. Accepted and adopted into the family of God. It is only through confession and believing that the blood of Christ can cleanse from all sin that one becomes a true believer in Christianity. The commandments of Jesus to those who follow Him are given to us here in the scripture, to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbors. It is not possible to do this without first coming to Christ, and accepting His forgiveness for the sins of our past. It is only then, can we truly start to serve God and live the religion that Christ taught.

Seeker of Truth vs.28
• Desire to know the truth
• Concluded that Jesus spoke with authority
Serving One True God vs. 29
• There is only one way to God
• He alone is truth
Selfless Love vs.30
• All your heart, soul, mind, strength
• Our affections, being, thinking- intellect, physical body
Second Command vs.31
• Love your everyone as you would want to be loved
Sincere Answer vs. 32-34
• Discreetly- caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead. Carefully thought out.
Shunning False Religion vs.38,39
• Look out for those who claim to know everything
• Lift themselves up
• Appear to be dressed Holy
• Strive for power and position
Semblance of Righteousness vs. 40
• Take advantage of those who are helpless or easily manipulated
• The focus of their religion is keeping rules
• They have the talk, but not the walk
• They will be judge by God, who knows the heart.

A Father’s Instructions

Proverbs 3:1-12
Our Father in heaven is the perfect example of what God’s wants fathers to be. He Through Christ is the head of the Church. His Word is the final authority. His love and mercy are everlasting. The father is the head of the home with the courage to follow God and raise his family in the fear of the Lord. May he do it with compassion and desire to see his family make it to the city of God.

Rule Book from God- the Law
• Principles for Living
• The final authority
• Love your wife, provoke not your children
Reality of the Word- thine heart
• We must live it
• More than just a good man
• Life centered around Christ
Remember His Word- forsake not
• Teach our children the Word
• They will not depart from it- Conscience will follow them
Reward for Obedience- shall find favor
• Honor is given to those who depend on God
• The fruits of your labor will not go in vain.
Rely on God for Understanding- Lean not
• Trust God for leadership
• Don’t allow “ego” to guide your decisions
• He has promise to show the path
Responsible Steward- with thy substance
• Provide for your household
• Provide for the work of the Kingdom
• Give to God your first fruits-tithe
• God honors a cheerful giver and will reward them
Rod of Correction despise not chastening
• Discipline- teach by corrections
• Not punishment or impunity, but for the purpose of learning a lesson.
• Mode of Correction- Individual temperament
• True love will not let them do whatever they want
• Always confirms with Love and Prayers

True Greatness

Mark 10:35-45
The attributes of being “great” in our society is often marked by some outstanding accomplishment achieve by a man or women. We study about “Great Men” in history and “Great Women” who helped shape this country. As we reflect on Biblical history, from Genesis to Revelation, we see “Greatness” scattered throughout the pages of scripture. We marvel at Noah’s great ability to build the Ark, Abraham’s faith to step out under the stars to begin a new nation, and Solomon’s great wisdom to discern right and wrong. Many people today aspire to be great and to make a difference in today’s world. There are those who seek greatness because they crave popularity, power, or position. Jesus teaches us that those types of people will have their reward on earth, but will count for nothing in eternity. Contrary to the world’s viewpoint, Jesus, defines true greatness, “whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister, and whosoever of you will be the chief, shall be servant of all” Greatness is not for a selected few, greatness can be achieved for whosoever will.
Asking amiss- vs.35
• What we desire- did not Christ admonish to do so?
• Discerning the will of God in are asking
Aspiration to greatness- vs.37
• Grant that we may sit- motivation to be exalted
• Climbing the latter of “success”
Ambition is checked vs. 38
• Ye know not what you ask- Blind to their condition
• Jesus knows our needs better than we know them
Ability declared vs. 39
• We can! Self reliance
Acknowledgment of the Savior vs. 39
• Ye shall indeed. Looking beyond the present
Assent given to the Father vs.40
• Is not mine to give- Not my will, but thy will be done
Ascendancy of rules vs. 42
• Gentiles exercise lordship- authority over other
• The world’s view of greatness
Acquiring greatness vs. 43, 44
• Shall be servant of all- living to serve
• Humility- No job is too little for those who serve
• The path to true greatness is following His example
Atonement for all vs.45
• Ultimate act of servant hood
• We who were with hope/helpless died to give us hope

Monday, May 28, 2007

Divine Nourishment

Mark 8:1-9, 14-21

To sustain the body to be healthy and strong, it is imperative that one takes time to nourish themselves with food and water. These basic necessities of life are essential for survival and must not be neglected if we are to grow and live healthy lives. God made humanity with a body and a soul. The till of the ground has provided man with food to sustain the body. But man cannot survive with bread alone. He must also nourish the soul. Jesus, who is the bread of life and true source of divine nourishment, had sent out the invitation to come and dine. This divine food from heaven is the source of our spiritual substance and is essential to our spiritual growth and eternal survival. Jesus said, “He that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled” We often crave and long for certain foods, but how often do we crave for the bread of Life and divine nourishment for heaven?

Calling of the disciples vs.1
• Minister to those in need
• Obligation to feed those who are in need
Compassionate Christ vs. 2-3
• The Love of Jesus how measureless
• Looking through the eyes of Christ
Complications arise vs. 4
• Obstacles that we will face
• Humanly this is not possible, but with God
Charge of the Savior vs. 6, 15
• He is the answer to all are needs
• Trust and obey- “Whatsoever He saith, do it”
Control of the circumstance vs. 5-7
• We must let go and let Him be in control
• He still desires to use us as vessels for His glory
Contamination of truth vs.15
• Beware of those who are able to twist the truth
• Just because it looks delicious, does not mean it will satisfy
Consider and Call to mind the miracles vs. 17-21
• How quickly we forget what God has done
• Understanding the spiritual world
• He desires that we have a present and active faith
• The Holy Spirit will lead us to remember

Crying Out To Jesus

Mark 7:24-37

In desperation, it is not uncommon for people to cry out for help. The cry it not always a literal shout or calling out. It often is the silent aching of the soul that looks for fulfillment or searches for answers to life’s many questions. Crying implies that there is a demonstration of strong emotions and a tense focus on a particular need. There is a singleness of mind and determination to get the attention of someone to give aid or warn of pending danger. Everything else in life fades when compared the immediate need. Through out the Word of God we find examples of men and women crying out to God for help. In almost all situations, the person finds themselves unable to help themselves. David, the great Psalmist gives us many examples of such desperate calling out to God for help. “My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God”. Psalm 84:2b. In our lesson today, we find a women crying out to Jesus to free her daughter from unclean spirits. In the other example, a group of concern individuals beseech Jesus to bring healing to the deaf and dumb man. In both cases, Jesus saw their need and faith in Him to answer.
Proclaiming of Christ –vs.25 (she heard of Him)
• How can they hear unless someone tells

Pursuing a remedy- vs.25 (she came)
• She went out looking
• Searching in the right place- Must be more than sincerity
Prostrated before Christ- vs.25 (fell at His feet)
• Realize her inadequacy
• Be merciful to me a sinner- Only Christ is able
Pleading for a need- vs.26, 32
• She besought Him
• They beseeched Jesus
Putting her in her place- vs.27 (it is no meet)
• All have sinned- Unrighteous before God.
• We must humble ourselves- He shall lift us up
Persistent in prayer- vs.28 (yes Lord, yet)
• Holding on and willing to take whatever God has for us
• Importunity- We must not let up- “ I will not be denied”
Procuring through divine intervention- vs. 29, 33, 34
• Let God decide how to solve the problem- “He said”
• His way is best- Let go and let God be God- “He spit”
Promise from the Savior- vs.30 (devil gone out) vs.35 (he spake)
• From the lip of Christ- He said it.
Publishing the works of Christ- vs. 36 (they published it)
• It is only natural to let others know.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Honoring Mothers

Proverbs 31: 1—15, 20-31
The recognition of honoring mothers goes back to ancient Greece history. Much celebration at this time was given over to idol worshipping of the goddess. During the 1600’s, England set aside a special day called “Mothering Sunday” this special celebration was recognize in very much the same way it is done today. President Wilson in 1914 officially proclaimed a national holiday to honor all mothers.
What does it mean to give honor? We live in a day where honor of any kind is a scares attribute. When a nation ceases to honor God and country, it has lost the respect to properly give honor where honor is due. As Christians, we are commanded to honor our mothers. Not because they are the “perfect mother” but, because they are God’s chosen to bare the seed of His creation. A Christian mother is a special gift that we especially need to take time to give our love and appreciation. A mother that fears God is always striving to be the best she can to see that her children live for God. In my mind, that is a “virtuous women” As mothers, fathers, and children, we strive not for perfection in behavior, but for obedience to the perfect will of God.

Christian Mothers:
M- maternal nurturing love to her children
• Protection of her offspring
• It is not normal to disregard and abuse
O- others come first
• Sacrifices her own needs- rising early to prepare for the day
• Making sure her own children have their needs met
T- thoughtful and considerate to others
• Bearing the fruits of the Spirit
• Always thinking how this will effect others
• Find ways to ease the burden for others
H- home is empty when mom is gone
• Her home is filled with joy and warmth
• A house without a mother’s touch remains just a house
E- everyone is a priority
• She loves her child equally- no favorites
R- Remember all those special occasions
• Hallmark could not stay in business
S- Serves God, family, and the church
• Idleness is far from her
• She fears the Lord and her life is centered around God.
• Her desire to see her children serve God
• Always praying for God’s will to be done
• Her children rise up to honor her

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Religion of The Pharisees

Mark 7:1-13

Religion can be define as, “something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience”. In respect to a religious organization, religion is seen as, “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects”. The beliefs and practices are generally derived from a source that is believed to be from some higher power. Often this source in spoken through some human who proclaims to be God’s messenger to mankind. The essence of a true religion is based on the validity and authenticity of the messenger. Is he truly God’s mouthpiece, or is he a false prophet that is diluted and full of self grander?
The Pharisee’s proclaim a religion that originated with Abraham and Moses. Based on the veracity of God’s Word, the messengers were true men of God. But, the Pharisee’s twisted their words to serve their own purposes. Jesus, undaunted by the Pharisee’s accusations faced them with their hypocrisy and called it for what was, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own traditions… Making the Word of God of none effect”.

Fault Finding (vs.2)
• Remove the beam from your own eye first
• Often practice to excuse one’s own failure to live right
Faithful to Traditions (vs.3)
• Understanding the rightful place of traditions
• The hands are clean, but the heart is dirty
Far from God (6)
• Giving only lip service
• Motives are self-centered- not done to the glory of God
False Worship (vs.7)
• Vain worship- pretense of worship
• That they may be seen of men
Failure to Keep God’s Commandments (vs. 8)
• Laying God’s Word aside for a rule book
• The power of God’s word is non existent
Forgetting the essentials (vs. 10, 11)
• Substituting “Corban” as an excuse not to follow the essentials
• What does God require? “Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly
Freedom from the Yoke of Bondage (Galatians 6:1-14)
• No longer in bondage to regulations- Not saved by works
• Freedom to follow the check of the Holy Spirit
• Love and liberty to serve God unhindered by the root of Sin

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rejecting The Truth

Mark 6: 1-13
The light of God’s truth penetrates the darkness to every man. Revealing to man that without God, life is meaningless and hopeless. What is God’s truth? What happens when we refuse to heed what God is telling us? For every action, there is a reaction. The consequences of rejecting the truth that God reveals to us are irreparable if we fail to ultimately walk in the light that He sheds on our path. The Bible is God’s word given to us for our day. It reveals to us how to obtain eternal life, how we should live and act in all manner of conversation. The words of Jesus speak powerfully to the need of man’s heart, and to the life of love and forgiveness that should be demonstrated to mankind. Failing to follow these truths will result in a life most miserable, and end with the eternal consequences of death. What are we doing with the Truth that Jesus has given to us?
Arms reaching out to His own (vs. 1)
• Reaching out to family and friends
• Reaching out to the world
Amazed by His teachings (vs. 2)
• He spoke with authority
• They questioned His miracles
Affronted by His words (vs. 3)
• Questioned His origin
• There hearts were convicted by the truth
• Ashamed to be identified with the Truth (Jesus)
Abased by His own (vs. 4)
• He was not honored by them
• They were humility by Him
• They belittle Him
Astonished by their unbelief (vs. 6)
• He was amazed by their rejection
• “Shook His head in shock and surprise”
Accepting truth (vs. 10, 13)
• Let it abide in your “home”
• Proclaim it to others
• The miracle of a clean heart
• Let God put the broken pieces back together- Healing power
Anathema to truth rejecters (vs. 11)
• Refuse to repent
• The judgment liken unto Sodom
• The Judgment of God is final
• Divine retribution

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Wisdom of Jesus

Mark 4:21-34

The words of Christ are not hard to understand. He speaks with simplicity and clarity. It is His desire for all to come to the knowledge of His truth. The way of salvation is not complex and difficult to comprehend, a fool need not error or be detoured from grasping and obtaining its meaning. The wisdom of His words spoke not only to the minds of men and women, but it reached into the heart and soul of all who heard Him speak. The heart would either reject or receive His words. To the Scribes and Pharisee His word brought conviction and revealed their hypocrisy, to the sinner it brought hope and forgiveness. The wisdom of Christ astonished all who heard, for no man spoke with such authority and wisdom. Let him, who has an ear, hear and do what the Master says to do. For those, who hear and do it is given to them to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

Speaking in Parables (vs. 33, 34)
• Making connections/past experiences
• Comparing nature to spiritual insight
Shining as a Candle (vs. 21, 22)
• The truth is for all to have and receive
• Our own lights needs to be out in the open
Seriousness of the Word (vs. 24)
• What are we doing with the Word?
• We will be accountable for the light God gives us
Sowing the Seed (vs. 26)
• The Sower, the Holy Spirit and human vessels
• The Seed: The Word of God- His truth
Spring up from the Soil (vs.27)
• The Soil: the heart of Man- condition of the soil
• Good soil- will bring forth new life- All things pass away
Shooting up of Branches/Leaves (vs. 32)
• Healthy growth of life in Christ
• Establish and rooted in the Word of God
Sickling of the Harvest (vs. 29)
• Our lives will bare the fruit of His Spirit
• It will be used to nourished the world
• The fruit of our labors- Bring in God’s harvest
Shadow of Protection (vs. 32)
• Refuges in God’s Sanctuary- The Church should be a place to find shelter from the world.
• Standing strong- Those that are spiritual help those …

A Friend of Jesus

Mark 2: 13-22

What is a friend?
It has been said that a friend is someone who accepts you for who you are unconditionally. They see and know your faults, failures, and shortcomings and still will keep their heart open and listen to your heart as you cry out. Jesus loves unconditionally. Sin has taken man to the depth of depravity yet Christ still reaches down to lift them out. His love crosses social barriers and will be a friend to anyone who will come unto Him. His friendship exceeds that of any human. He is a friend that will not leave you or forsake you. Christ died for our sins and is forever reaching out with His forgiveness. He loves and cares too much for our souls to leave us without hope. His friendship entreats us to follow Him and accept Him as our friend and Savior.

A Friend to the Multitude
(multitude resorted unto him)
• Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem!
• Whosoever will
• Compassion for a lost world
A Friend to the Despised (the Levi)
• Those hated by others
• Unpopular
• He passed by their way
A Friend to the Sinner (sat with sinners)
• The undeserved
• The blood has gone deeper than the stain of sin
• The confessor- Have mercy on me
A Friend to the Sick (but they that are sick)
• Sick in soul- those who’s hearts are diseased
• In affliction, He is near
A Friend to the Unrighteous (came not to call the righteous)
• Through Christ we are made right
• We are has filthy rage in His sight
• Our heart is made right by the light
A Friend to His Disciples ((they cannot fast)
• He knows what we can bear- They are not ready to fast
• Intimate communion with God- We can enter sacred dwelling place of God- Drawing close to the Jesus and He will bring you into His arms.
• What a friend we have in Jesus- He’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Christ is Risen

Mark 16:1-14
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the matrix of Christianity. It is the pivotal truth and anchor of our faith that makes Christianity more than just another religion conjured by man. It is not a religion of man, but a relationship initiated by God who rules and reigns in the pass, present, and future. The certainty of this truth is express by the Apostle Paul when he says, “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain”
The gospel accounts of the resurrection of Christ vary slightly in detail and sequence, but such difference does not dimension the validity of the truth. The account given to us by Mark is focused around the women that went to the sepulcher to anoint the body of Jesus, and a summary of other disciples that saw Him. The scripture lesson ends with a rebuke by Jesus for their unbelief in not believe those that saw Him first.

First Day of the Week (early in the morning…)
• The Christian Sabbath
• The sorrow and grief of death
Fortify with a Stone (…the stone from the door)
• The hindrances we face
• Continue to do what is right
Frighten by Angels (they were affrighted)
• One angel or two angels?
• Startled by the unexpected
• Fear is dispelled with astonishment
Foretelling of Christ (there shall ye see Him)
• He is not here- this was foretold
• You shall see Him face to face
• We must go where He leads to be able to see Him
Fled to Tell (fled from the sepulcher)
• They were admonish to go
• Spread the good news (gospel truth)
First seen by Mary (He appeared first…)
• Mary, delivered of 7 devils- From the depth of sin
• Personal acknowledgement- He calls our name. Is He Master?
Fellowship with Christ (they walked and went)
• Broke bread with them- social relationship
• Open the scripture with them- spiritual enlightenment
• Did not our heart burn within? – Sensing His presence
Faithlessness rebuked (upbraided them…)
• The frailty of humanity- the struggle with believing miracles.
• Rebukes are meant to strengthen. How do we accept rebukes?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Jesus The Healer

Mark 1:21-34

The ministry of Jesus is summarized in what He did for humanity. He served, sacrificed, and suffered for others that they all may have the opportunity to be saved from sorrow, sadness, and sin.
Sickness is brought upon man by diseases that attack the body. The effects of sin in the world, is to bring death to that which lives. When sickness came upon people it was assumed that the person had committed sin, therefore sickness was the punishment. Christ cleared up this misconception when he said, “Neither did this man sin or his parents…” We often don’t understand why sickness falls to a person, but we can trust God that such events are fulfilling a divine purpose.
Jesus came to heal the broken in body and spirit. He came to make life whole. His healing power goes beyond making the body well, but reaches to the depth of the soul where sickness is rebuked and the healing power of God’s forgiveness is administered. Have you experience the healing power of Christ in your life?

Capernaum is open
(went into Capernaum)
• Nazareth rejects Christ
• The harvest was ready for reaping in Capernaum
• Do we have an open heart to the works of Christ?
Church gathering (into the synagogue)
• The Christian Sabbath- Day of worship
• A place to be feed by His Word
• Open to all classes of people
Christ Authority (as one that has authority)
• He was the Word- The author of truth
• He did not explain the law- he proclaimed it
Casting out of sin (come out of him)
• Sinners in the Church- Are they welcomed?
• The rebuking of Satan- evil spirits cast doubt and fear
• Showing forth the power of Christ- The power of the Church
Caring for believers (he took her hand)
• Especially to the household of faith
• Peter witness- Casting, all your cares upon Him, for…
• Is Christ the master of your home?
Compassion for all (he healed many)
• Sharing the Grace of God
• Love them into the Kingdom- I have no other choice.
• His healing power is for whosoever will
• All need healing, for all come short of the Glory of God.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Jacob's Name Change

Genesis: 32:9-12, 24-30

When full salvation is obtained, God does a work in the human heart that changes the old nature of sin and self to a new nature of love and forgiveness. Jacob’s name change is symbolic to what Christ desires to do in the heart of all who come to Him. As Jacob wrestler with the Angel of the Lord to obtain his new name, he struggled with his old nature of deception. For Jacob to be all that God wanted him to be, he needed to realize and then confess this sinful nature to God. It was not until he was broken that God blessed him with a new name. May God help us to seek Him with perseverance until we are broken of pride and self-will. It is only then can we realize the fullness of God’s power and grace.

Following God- (return to thy kindred)
• In prayer we find God’s direction
• We often must face the past
• Unworthy of God’s faithfulness
Future unknown- (pass over this Jordan)
• We must depend on God for the outcome
• Leave all we have to God
• The unknown bundle
Fear of Esau (for I fear him)
• Human anxieties are to be expected
• We must overcome our fears of rejection and failures
Forgetting not His promises (and thou said…)
• God’s promises are always in the present
• We can stand on His Word
Forsaking of self (what is thy name)
• The struggle with the carnal nature
• The “death route”
Fortitude of spirit (I will not let thee go)
• Persevere in prayer
• “I will not be denied”
Fitness to receive (thy name shall be…Israel)
• Yielding will bring the victory
• Having power with God only comes by surrendering
Face to face with God (the place Peniel)
• It is real- I have seen God
• Experience of heart holiness is a definite work of Grace
• Have we experience God face to face?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Esau Sells His Birthright

Genesis 25:27-34

The birthright that was handed down was to be given to the firstborn male in the family. Esau, by right of birth was to be given this privilege. He regarded his birthright with contempt. Such are those who are willing to sell their soul to fulfill the appetites of the flesh. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” The words of Jesus, teach us that we should value our soul as our greatest treasure.
The cunningness of Jacob teaches us that it is never right to accomplish God’s purposes in a wrong way. Instead of being still and waiting on God, Jacob acted with deceitful human intervention. God’s will, should never be enacted in a way that is contrary to His Word.

Personalities of Esau and Jacob (cunning hunter…plain man)
• Contrast between the two boys
• We are made in His image with unique personal traits
• The person of Christ is united with our personality
• We our made to glorify God
Preferring behavior (loved Esau…loved Jacob)
• All are made equal in the eyes of God
• Love should be measured out in equal portions
• Showing equal respect to all person –James 2:9
Preparation in the Human (Jacob sod pottage)
• Circumvent and manipulation
• Getting ahead of God
• Forcing the will of God, instead of waiting
Pottage exchanged (he sold his birthright)
• The traps of the enemy- Beware, Satan is cunning
• Keeping our bodies under subjection
• What shall a man give in exchange for his soul
Profaning of the Birthright (Esau despised...)
• Walked away from his birthright (rejection of Christ)
• Regard his soul with little worth
• Ignored his most valuable treasure
• Neglecting the condition of the soul
• May we guard our hearts with all diligence

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Test of Abraham's Faith

Gen.22: 1-14

The account given to us here in Genesis 22 has been a matter of great controversy. The offering Abraham was required to make is not consistent with the teaching of the Bible. The sacrificing of humans is a known practice among the heathen religions throughout history. There seems to be various explanations to this event, but it is not the nature of this study to explore for possible answers. It is sufficient to say that the final decree of God to Abraham was, “Lay not thine hand upon the lad” The more important aspect of this Biblical account is the spiritual application that is implied. Test and trails will come to every believer in Christ. God does require of us our most precious treasure. All those who walk with God will come to a crossroads in their lives. Are we willing to give it all to Him? A complete and full consecration, letting go, and let God have His way.

Talking with God- “God said unto him”
• Abraham knew the voice of God
• Do we pray enough to comprehend His voice?
Testing of Abraham- “God did “tempt” Abraham”
• God does not tempt with the intent to see us fall
• To show forth God’s glory
• Will our character remain steadfast? Proving the heart.
Total Obedience- “Take now thy son”
• Taking what we love and giving it all to God
• Trust and obey there is no other way
Traveling the Road -“rose up and went”
• Our spiritual journey often takes us to a “place”
• Getting there is half the battle- We must not be detoured
Top of the Mount -”I and the lad will go yonder”
• Isaac’s wiliness to be sacrificed
• Pointing to “The Lamb of God” - God Provided
Temptation and Deliverance “The angel of the Lord called”
• No temptation given to man- He will provide a way of escape
• Obedience is better than sacrifice
• His purpose is accomplished
Trial of our Faith-“I know that thou fearest God”
• Those who live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
• Faith is shown by works- Not enough to say “I believe”
Testimony of the Lord – “It shall be seen”
• He is our provider-Jehovah-jireh
• He is all we need

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Destruction of Sodom

Genesis 19: 15-26

The account of historic events has shown that God will not tolerate sin. For every cause, there is an effect. For the wages of sin is death, and whosoever willfully disregards God’s call to righteousness will suffer the consequences. The destruction of Sodom was not done without the warnings of God for them to repent and forsake their wicked ways. Likewise, God calls out His warning to all men and women today to repent and give their hearts to Christ. Those who reject the call will suffer the fate of Sodom. Their souls will be cast into the lake of fire where they will suffer for eternity. God is merciful, but He also is a God of judgment. He has sent His messengers to us, interceding and pleading, to accept His divine forgiveness and mercy. The choice is ours to stay, or to flee and escape. What will your choice be?

Hastening of God- (the angels hastened Lot)
• Abram interceded for Lot
• The urgency of the hour- His return is imminent
Hesitation of Lot (he Lingered)
• Procrastination
• Indifference to truth
• Let me sleep- leave me alone
Hauled off by angels ((they brought him forth…)
• The Lord often uses drastic means
• Leaving loved ones behind
Higher ground (escape the mountains)
• Symbolic- out of sin
• Symbolic- go on to holiness
Harboring near- (this city is near to flee)
• The fear of the unknown
• Not willing to go all the way- staying close to the world
Horrifying consequences (rained…brimstone and fire)
• Judgment is sure
• God’s promises are not always pleasant
• The consequences of sin is death
Hindrances from escaping (but his wife looked back)
• Always looking back with longing
• Burning the bridges
• Complete obedience is imperative for full salvation

Saturday, February 24, 2007

God's Promise to Abram

Genesis 15:5-18

God has committed Himself to keep His Word. He has declared and assured those that put their trust in Him that He will do what He says He will do. Abram, a man who believed that God had called him to leave the land of his fathers, now entreats his God to give him some assurance that God’s promises are still true. God is not slack concerning His promises as some men count slackness. He rewards them that diligently seek Him. God had promised Abram that his seed would be as the stars in the heavens. The fulfillment of such a promise, in the eyes of Abram began to grow deem as his life began to set in the western skies. But, God keeps His promises, once again makes Himself real to Abram and assures him that He has not been forgotten.

Renewing of the Promise-(look now toward the heavens)
• The Faithfulness of God
• When God speaks, so shall it be
• Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s Word …
Righteousness of Abram (counted it to him for righteousness)
• He Believed in the Lord
• He knew whom he served
• He was considered righteous because his faith was steadfast
Request by Abram (whereby shall I know)
• The human element to faith
• Discouraged, but not defeated
• A sign from God often will help seal a promise
Required Worship (he took unto him all these..)
• Gathering of the sacrifice
• Go to the place of worship- truth is often reveal in worship
• Divine-appointment, simple- ritual and sacrificial-substance
• Believing-spirit, patient-waiting, and expectant-attitude
Revelation of the Promise (know of surety..)
• Horror of darkness- feeling of uncertainty- The unknown
• The enemies intimation- The hindrances to see God
• The prophecies of a great nation
• The promise of return
Reassurance Given (unto thy seed have I given..)
• The promise of God giving Abram’s seed
• The promise of the land
• It is God that makes this promise
• God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lot's Choice

Genesis 13:1-13

The historical accounts in God’s Word are always given with a purpose. It appears evident that the examples given to us by Abram and Lot, was to demonstrate to all who would read that the choices we make will have their consequences. We are constantly faced with choices that shape our character and determine our destiny. It would appear that Lot made a choice that was wise from the prospective of financial gain, but he failed to consider the righteousness of God. His choice was not to seek first the kingdom of God, but to seek first the treasures and pleasures of this world. Lot’s selfish choice was not that he chose the well water plains of Jordan. He suffered a major defeat in his life because he did not inquire of God how to proceed.

Return to God’s will (went up out of Egypt)
• Abram made a wrong choice going to Egypt
• Abram return to where he left the will of God
Rebuild his altars- (the place of the altar)
• God desires that we build “altars” places to meet God
• We must entreat God’s presence
Resolving problems (land was not able to bear them)
• Problems in life are natural occurrences
• Strife-conflict between viewpoints.
• Choices made in conflict
Resigning yourself (then I will go to the right)
• Preferring one another in the spirit of meekness
• Trusting God to take care of the outcome
Relishing the temporal (he lifted up his eyes and beheld…)
• Lot let the desire of the flesh to rule his choices.
• His heart was not set on treasure above, but on earthly treasures
• He did the stop to think how this would affect his family
Resisting temptation (…Lot pitched his tent…)
• In making choices, we must flee the very appearance of evil
• We must be careful how our influence will affect others
Repercussions of self-centered choices
• Lot lost all his possessions
• Lot lost his family
• Lot’s left a legacy that is tainted with warning

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Call of Abram- God's Leadership

Genesis 12:1-9

Abram, is know as the father of the Arabic people and the father of faith to all believers in Christ. In the Land of the Ur of the Chaldees, The call to Abram was given to leave his land and people. Abram’s faith and complete obedience to the leadership of God resulted in a nation that is known today as the dwelling place of God. Abram left a legacy that has survived for thousands of years. His example of following God, has inspired millions to step out in faith and begin to trust God to lead their lives. Despite the circumstances and the unknown future, God desires His children to trust and obey and leave the results and outcomes to him.

Plan of God-Get thee out
• Listening to the voice of God
• He has a plan for our lives
• Are we willing to follow His Plan?
• Giving up to gain.
• It is God that shows the way and not others
Promise of God-I will make thee
• The promise of a great nation
• Abram’s name will be known through out the whole world
• I will give you and your seed land
• The Promises of God are true
• The rewards for obeying and following Him
Protection of God- I will bless thee
• Part of His promise is to keep us in the hollow of His hand
• We our the “apple of His eye”
• He is a jealous God- He cares for His own
Pilgrimage of Abram- Pass through the land-journeyed
• Abram had his eyes on the promise land
• We cannot get caught up in earthly treasures
• We must always be ready to follow where he leads
Practice of Abram- He built an altar
• Take time to worship God
• Finding out the next move.
• God’s leadership always leads praise and thanksgiving
• I will follow where He leads, and live each day in obedience to Him.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

God's Covenant with Noah

Genesis 9:8-17

Scientifically, the rainbow that appears in the sky after a rain shower is merely the result of the sun hitting water droplets. The sunlight is then divided into its many different colors resulting in a beautiful spectrum of colors in the shape of a “bow”. Critics of God’s Word have scoffed and ridiculed the claims of the origin of the rainbow given to us here in scripture. The assumption is a rainbow never appeared until after the flood. I don’t claim to know and understand the exact interpretation given to us in this account, but this I know, God gave the rainbow to Noah and mankind as a reminder of His everlasting covenant. He is true to His word and He will keep His promises.

Establishing a Covenant vs.9
• Individual and personal promises “I will make you…”
• Social promises “If my people…”
• His creation- all living things

Everlasting Covenant vs. 16
• The earth shall not be destroyed again by water.
• Scientific and political controversy of “Global warming”
• A token, a sign to remind us of His Faithfulness
• Promises that are handed down from generation to generation

Entering into Covenants “I will”
• God initiated the covenant
• God always keep His side of the promise
• Sacredness of making covenants
• The lack of covenant making
• Keeping our promises

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Noah and the Ark

Gen: 6:9-22

The flood of the earth as describe in scripture has been a point of debate for many years and among many scholars. When, how, and where this event took place, certainly makes for good conversation and discussion. But, it is not are indent here to discuss such issues. It is sufficient to say that God was displeased with the way man was living. He found a man who was righteous and willing to warn others of the judgment to come and to build an ark of safety. God, the creator of earth destroyed the earth with water, sparing Noah and his family from the destruction. Like Noah, we also can find grace in the eyes of God through Christ Jesus who is our “Ark of Safety”

Character of Noah (just and perfect v9)
• Among his contemporaries he lived just
• Our responsibility to live holy and just in this present age
Condition of the World (it was corrupt v11)
• The conduct of the human race was sinful in God’s sight
• The world was filled with violence
• Humanity is filled with hatred and lust for blood
• Such is the entertainment world of our generation
• Everywhere we turn, we find sin as the norm of life- acceptable
Condemning of the World (end of all flesh is come v13)
• The mercy of the Lord has come to an end
• Destroyed with water – deep of the earth and heavens above
• As it was in the day of Noah, so shall it be….
Construction of the Ark (this is the fashion v15)
• 430ftL x 75ftW x 45ftH- gopher wood and pitch
• Windows at the top for ventilation
• Door at the side- 3 stories or 3 tiers
• Ark of Safety- Christ is our rock, fortress, shelter in time storm
Covenant to Noah (I establish my covenant v18)
• God’s promise to Noah that he and is family would be spared
• As long as we stay in the “Ark” we will be protected.
Collecting of Species (two of every sort thou shall bring v19)
• Male and female – procreation
• Keep them alive through the provisions that were gathered
Commandment is followed (thus Noah did v22)
• Obedience is crucial if we are to maintain His grace
• According to God and not man- Follow Christ, not man.

Cain and Abel -Accountability

Genesis 4:3-16
Sin has no limits and boundaries. The blood relationship between Cain and Abel was severed because sin lurked in the heart of Cain. It is foolish to thinks that one can hide their secret deeds of sin from God. It did not matter what Cain thought or how he chose to justify his sin, the blood of Abel cried out from the ground until it reached the ear of God. Accountability is required of all men. Denying responsibility for deeds done in the flesh, does not release us from giving an account for the way we have chosen to live our lives. God is just and holy and judges all men fairly. What has God required of you? What sacrifice have you laid on the altar before Him? The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. But unto Cain He had no respect.

Abel’s Offering Unto the Lord- Brought an offering unto the Lord
• God instituted the blood sacrifice
• Family teaching of God’s commands
• The void in the heart. A desire for fellowship/relationship

Acceptable Unto God- The Lord had respect unto Able
• It is not your best that God wants, but your obedience
• Sincerity is good, but it is not enough
• It does matter how you worship God- heart and character
• By Faith- Faith in what? God’s command requires blood.
• False worship at its’ roots, is driven by self. I’ll do it my way!

Anger and uncontrollable emotions- Cain rose up.
• Sin at Cain’s door. Murder is motivated by hate, not judgment
• Anger, human emotion- Why are you angry? Sin, injustice, or is it for selfish reasons.

Accountable to God
- Where is Able?
• So how is it between you and your brother?
• What have you done to try and reconcile?
• We our keepers and must be accountable one to anther.

Avenger of Sin- Now art thou cursed.
• Cursed form the earth
• Fugitive and vagabond
• God’s mercy still prevailed- the mark of protection
• The presence of God is departed.- Away for His presence is the greatest of all curses.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Adam's Sin

Gen. 3:1-15
What is sin? What did Adam do that made God so upset? Sin became part of the nature of the human race when Adam and Eve willfully did what God told them not to do. They missed the mark because they took their eyes and attention off of God. It is understood, that eating fruit, in of itself was not sinful. There was plenteous fruit in the garden that they had the pleasure of partaking. But, they began to question the words of God that had already been made clear to them. Satan, taking the form of a serpent was subtle. He only needed to make a suggestion whereby planting a seed of doubt in their minds. We must always be on guard that we don’t take God’s Word and twist it to our own devices.
The Serpent
• He is subtle and cunning
• Can appear as an angel of light
• He is real- speaking to mankind
• Don’t give him the time- “Get thee behind me”
The Women
• Eve began to collaborate with God’s enemy
• She knew what God required- Even added some externals “neither shall ye touch it”
• Eve listen to Satan’s take scripture out of context
• Eve saw the appeal to what Satan suggested
• Eve took what was forbidden- willful act- 1st barrier- touched
• Eve ate the forbidden- defied God’s command- Sin enacted
• Adam did not take a stand
• Speculate- What would have happen if Adam did not partake and Eve did?
• Adam was even more responsible- It would be like Moses partaking of Israel’s
• Deviance
The Consequence of Disobeying God
• They became aware of their shame
• They began to avoid God’s presence
• They became fearful
• They pass the blame- They would not take responsibility
The Promise of Redemption
• The plan to bring them back into the graces of God
• God’s desire is and always will be is to have fellowship with His creation- True love is a choice to have fellowship

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Man, The Crown of God's Creation

Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:7-9, 16-24
In a world that refuses to acknowledge God as Lord, it is not surprising that it has rejected the Biblical creation of the earth and the fullness of life. How wonderful and marvelous is the handy work of God. One only need to consider the complexity of life, to be convinced that such development would require a miracle of super natural proportion. At the pinnacle of God’s creation, Man and women are set apart. For into man, the Godhead formed humanity into His likeness and breathed the breath of eternity making man a living soul. This is something the humanistic scientist cannot explain. I choose to believe in the authority of God's Word. "He said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me". If the account given to us here in Genesis is not true, then Christ dying on the cross for my salvation is in vain. Man was created a moral agent with the ability to choose to serve God or reject God.
When God was finished with His handy work "...God saw every thing that He had made and behold it was very good”

The Godhead- Let us
• Elohim-plural
• Christ, in whom all things are created
• The Spirit of God move across the waters
Two Accounts
• Overview
• Closer view
Created from the earth
• Element of the earth
• The breath of God-the intimacy of creation
• A Living soul- the part of humans that makes them the crown
The Garden
• Pleasant- a good place to be- provides a way to satisfy
• The tree of Life-
• The tree of knowledge- good and evil
• God gave the freedom of choice- Consequence of choices
Adam names the animals
• Whatsoever Adam called them
• Adam observed the relationship of nature
The Creation of Woman
• Put Adam to sleep
• Took a rib from him
The Principle of Marriage relationship
• Leave your Father and Mother
• Cleave one to another
• Become on flesh

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Key to Spiritual Victory

1 Peter 5:1-11
The key to spiritual victory is by listening and submitting ourselves one to another. Being established in the Lord does not happen with two trips to the altar. It is a growing and maturing process. Those who are spiritual have a responsibility to nurture those young in the faith. New believers need to be willing to submit to God and His leadership. We all must be ready and watching for Satan is out to seek and destroy, but we have a mighty God who has given us the Holy Spirit to help us through every battle and come out victorious!

The Key- The combination of “actions” making it possible to enter. In this case, we want to enter into a life of spiritual victory, where we can maintain a right relationship with Christ at all times. What “tumbler-cut” combination is needed to see us through to eternity?

What does it mean to be established in the Lord?
Steadfast in the ways of God
Faithful and loyal to the Lord
God can depend on you.
Circumstances in life will not separate you from the love of God.
Your life is centered around Christ and what He values.
Lastly, you are totally submitted to God and to others.

Peter’s addresses the Gentiles in Asia Minor:
The Responsibility of the church leaders (elders)
Feed those who God put under your care- Nurturing them
Oversee- protect from pitfall along the way- Warn them
Motivated by compassion, not control or favor- Love them
Leader, not a task master- Lead them.
The Response of the newborn (young in the faith)
Submit to the teaching of the elders (this assumes the above)
Submit one to another. Preferring one another.
Spirit of humility- clothing- you are identify by what you wear.
Stay humble before God
Total surrender to God- Give it all to God- Cast it all to Him
The Readiness of the believer- Stay alert- Watch out!
Be sober- a sharp mind and not impaired or distracted. Serious.
Be vigilant- Alert and awake and keenly aware of danger
Resist the devil and remain steadfast to the truth
The Resources of the believer
The God of all grace
He knows what you are going through
He is able to make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you