Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rejecting The Truth

Mark 6: 1-13
The light of God’s truth penetrates the darkness to every man. Revealing to man that without God, life is meaningless and hopeless. What is God’s truth? What happens when we refuse to heed what God is telling us? For every action, there is a reaction. The consequences of rejecting the truth that God reveals to us are irreparable if we fail to ultimately walk in the light that He sheds on our path. The Bible is God’s word given to us for our day. It reveals to us how to obtain eternal life, how we should live and act in all manner of conversation. The words of Jesus speak powerfully to the need of man’s heart, and to the life of love and forgiveness that should be demonstrated to mankind. Failing to follow these truths will result in a life most miserable, and end with the eternal consequences of death. What are we doing with the Truth that Jesus has given to us?
Arms reaching out to His own (vs. 1)
• Reaching out to family and friends
• Reaching out to the world
Amazed by His teachings (vs. 2)
• He spoke with authority
• They questioned His miracles
Affronted by His words (vs. 3)
• Questioned His origin
• There hearts were convicted by the truth
• Ashamed to be identified with the Truth (Jesus)
Abased by His own (vs. 4)
• He was not honored by them
• They were humility by Him
• They belittle Him
Astonished by their unbelief (vs. 6)
• He was amazed by their rejection
• “Shook His head in shock and surprise”
Accepting truth (vs. 10, 13)
• Let it abide in your “home”
• Proclaim it to others
• The miracle of a clean heart
• Let God put the broken pieces back together- Healing power
Anathema to truth rejecters (vs. 11)
• Refuse to repent
• The judgment liken unto Sodom
• The Judgment of God is final
• Divine retribution

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