Saturday, June 30, 2007

True Greatness

Mark 10:35-45
The attributes of being “great” in our society is often marked by some outstanding accomplishment achieve by a man or women. We study about “Great Men” in history and “Great Women” who helped shape this country. As we reflect on Biblical history, from Genesis to Revelation, we see “Greatness” scattered throughout the pages of scripture. We marvel at Noah’s great ability to build the Ark, Abraham’s faith to step out under the stars to begin a new nation, and Solomon’s great wisdom to discern right and wrong. Many people today aspire to be great and to make a difference in today’s world. There are those who seek greatness because they crave popularity, power, or position. Jesus teaches us that those types of people will have their reward on earth, but will count for nothing in eternity. Contrary to the world’s viewpoint, Jesus, defines true greatness, “whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister, and whosoever of you will be the chief, shall be servant of all” Greatness is not for a selected few, greatness can be achieved for whosoever will.
Asking amiss- vs.35
• What we desire- did not Christ admonish to do so?
• Discerning the will of God in are asking
Aspiration to greatness- vs.37
• Grant that we may sit- motivation to be exalted
• Climbing the latter of “success”
Ambition is checked vs. 38
• Ye know not what you ask- Blind to their condition
• Jesus knows our needs better than we know them
Ability declared vs. 39
• We can! Self reliance
Acknowledgment of the Savior vs. 39
• Ye shall indeed. Looking beyond the present
Assent given to the Father vs.40
• Is not mine to give- Not my will, but thy will be done
Ascendancy of rules vs. 42
• Gentiles exercise lordship- authority over other
• The world’s view of greatness
Acquiring greatness vs. 43, 44
• Shall be servant of all- living to serve
• Humility- No job is too little for those who serve
• The path to true greatness is following His example
Atonement for all vs.45
• Ultimate act of servant hood
• We who were with hope/helpless died to give us hope

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