Sunday, May 13, 2007

Honoring Mothers

Proverbs 31: 1—15, 20-31
The recognition of honoring mothers goes back to ancient Greece history. Much celebration at this time was given over to idol worshipping of the goddess. During the 1600’s, England set aside a special day called “Mothering Sunday” this special celebration was recognize in very much the same way it is done today. President Wilson in 1914 officially proclaimed a national holiday to honor all mothers.
What does it mean to give honor? We live in a day where honor of any kind is a scares attribute. When a nation ceases to honor God and country, it has lost the respect to properly give honor where honor is due. As Christians, we are commanded to honor our mothers. Not because they are the “perfect mother” but, because they are God’s chosen to bare the seed of His creation. A Christian mother is a special gift that we especially need to take time to give our love and appreciation. A mother that fears God is always striving to be the best she can to see that her children live for God. In my mind, that is a “virtuous women” As mothers, fathers, and children, we strive not for perfection in behavior, but for obedience to the perfect will of God.

Christian Mothers:
M- maternal nurturing love to her children
• Protection of her offspring
• It is not normal to disregard and abuse
O- others come first
• Sacrifices her own needs- rising early to prepare for the day
• Making sure her own children have their needs met
T- thoughtful and considerate to others
• Bearing the fruits of the Spirit
• Always thinking how this will effect others
• Find ways to ease the burden for others
H- home is empty when mom is gone
• Her home is filled with joy and warmth
• A house without a mother’s touch remains just a house
E- everyone is a priority
• She loves her child equally- no favorites
R- Remember all those special occasions
• Hallmark could not stay in business
S- Serves God, family, and the church
• Idleness is far from her
• She fears the Lord and her life is centered around God.
• Her desire to see her children serve God
• Always praying for God’s will to be done
• Her children rise up to honor her

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