Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Test of Abraham's Faith

Gen.22: 1-14

The account given to us here in Genesis 22 has been a matter of great controversy. The offering Abraham was required to make is not consistent with the teaching of the Bible. The sacrificing of humans is a known practice among the heathen religions throughout history. There seems to be various explanations to this event, but it is not the nature of this study to explore for possible answers. It is sufficient to say that the final decree of God to Abraham was, “Lay not thine hand upon the lad” The more important aspect of this Biblical account is the spiritual application that is implied. Test and trails will come to every believer in Christ. God does require of us our most precious treasure. All those who walk with God will come to a crossroads in their lives. Are we willing to give it all to Him? A complete and full consecration, letting go, and let God have His way.

Talking with God- “God said unto him”
• Abraham knew the voice of God
• Do we pray enough to comprehend His voice?
Testing of Abraham- “God did “tempt” Abraham”
• God does not tempt with the intent to see us fall
• To show forth God’s glory
• Will our character remain steadfast? Proving the heart.
Total Obedience- “Take now thy son”
• Taking what we love and giving it all to God
• Trust and obey there is no other way
Traveling the Road -“rose up and went”
• Our spiritual journey often takes us to a “place”
• Getting there is half the battle- We must not be detoured
Top of the Mount -”I and the lad will go yonder”
• Isaac’s wiliness to be sacrificed
• Pointing to “The Lamb of God” - God Provided
Temptation and Deliverance “The angel of the Lord called”
• No temptation given to man- He will provide a way of escape
• Obedience is better than sacrifice
• His purpose is accomplished
Trial of our Faith-“I know that thou fearest God”
• Those who live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
• Faith is shown by works- Not enough to say “I believe”
Testimony of the Lord – “It shall be seen”
• He is our provider-Jehovah-jireh
• He is all we need

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