Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Lord is Gracious

Psalm 145: 1-10, 14-21
Nov. 18th, 2007

Where are the praises of men? Americans takes one day out the year to give thanks for their many blessings. But, for a true believer in Christ, praise and thanksgiving is a natural occurrence that is expressed everyday of the year. We serve a great and mighty God who through Christ has given us a great salvation. Praise should come natural for the Christian, it should always be on the “tip of our tongue” ready to speak and express our love and gratitude toward a loving and merciful God.

Exalt Highly His Name
(vs1. I will extol thee)
• No other name under heaven
• Priorities shows what you extol
• If I be lifted up…
Everyday Praise (vs2. Everyday will I bless thee)
• This is the day that the Lord has made
• Consistent praise. Good days, bad days
Enormity of God (vs3. Great is the Lord)
• How great is our God!
• We serve a mighty God
Express his Majesty (vs.5, 21. I will speak; my mouth shall speak)
• Our lives speak volumes
• Speaking- communicating to others
• Let everything that has breath!
Empathy of a Loving God (vs8. Full of compassion)
• He is gracious and good- Every good thing is from Him
• He loves us and is patient with us
Eyes Focused on God (vs.15. The eyes of all who wait)
• Keeping our focus on Him and not our circumstances
Ear of God is Listening (vs19. He also will hear their cry)
• He listens to those who fear Him
• He will draw nigh to them, who draw nigh to Him
Elimination of the Wicked (vs.20 The wicked will He destroy)
• Judgment to those who seek self and love self
Everlasting Praise (vs.21 Bless His Holy name for ever and ever)
• The Rocks will cry out if the flesh does not
• Eternity in Heaven- Praise will not cease

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.