Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Whole Duty of Man

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10; 12:1,13,14
Sept. 30th, 2007

The philosophy of man is to get all it can, well they can. Life is short and many choose to live it in sinful self-indulgence and gratifying pleasure. The carefree life style of the youth of our day, and most generation is the epitome of a life, void of fearing God. They go through life without much thought of facing God at the judgment for the deeds done in the flesh. They reason, that such a life of piety and righteous living is for the latter days of their lives. But God say, that the whole of man from youth to old age is to serve and fear God. God has not deprive the youth a life of gaiety, but all must remember that everyone will give an account to God for acts done in the flesh.

Giving of our Substance (cast your bread)
• Giving in faith- God gives the increase
• The principle of giving- because we want to
• “Lord, when did we see you hungry” in so much…
Go and Sow (in the morning sow thy seed)
• What about calculated giving? Are we not to be stewards
• Waiting till the right situation
• If you never sow, you will never reap
Gaiety of the Youth (let thy heart cheer)
• Young people having fun. What is God’s Plan
• The benefits of serving God in our youth- growing mature
• We will give an account for how we spend our days
Gifts of Youth (days of our youth)
• Remember who gave you your gifts
• We our not are own, we belong to God
• Choices that are made in youth have lasting effects
God’s Purpose for man (this is the whole of man)
• What does it all boil down to?
• What really matters in life- money, job, success?
• The being of man is the knowing and living in awe of God
Good and Bad Brought Before God (bring every work)
• All we be accountable to God- Young and old alike
• Facing God at the Judgment without pretense
• We must all appear the judgment seat.. 2 Corith. 5:10

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