Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Call of Abram- God's Leadership

Genesis 12:1-9

Abram, is know as the father of the Arabic people and the father of faith to all believers in Christ. In the Land of the Ur of the Chaldees, The call to Abram was given to leave his land and people. Abram’s faith and complete obedience to the leadership of God resulted in a nation that is known today as the dwelling place of God. Abram left a legacy that has survived for thousands of years. His example of following God, has inspired millions to step out in faith and begin to trust God to lead their lives. Despite the circumstances and the unknown future, God desires His children to trust and obey and leave the results and outcomes to him.

Plan of God-Get thee out
• Listening to the voice of God
• He has a plan for our lives
• Are we willing to follow His Plan?
• Giving up to gain.
• It is God that shows the way and not others
Promise of God-I will make thee
• The promise of a great nation
• Abram’s name will be known through out the whole world
• I will give you and your seed land
• The Promises of God are true
• The rewards for obeying and following Him
Protection of God- I will bless thee
• Part of His promise is to keep us in the hollow of His hand
• We our the “apple of His eye”
• He is a jealous God- He cares for His own
Pilgrimage of Abram- Pass through the land-journeyed
• Abram had his eyes on the promise land
• We cannot get caught up in earthly treasures
• We must always be ready to follow where he leads
Practice of Abram- He built an altar
• Take time to worship God
• Finding out the next move.
• God’s leadership always leads praise and thanksgiving
• I will follow where He leads, and live each day in obedience to Him.

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