Saturday, September 22, 2007

Time and Judgment

Ecclesiastes 8: 1-13
September 23, 2007
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” the words of warning from the pen of the Hebrew writer should cause all of us to take inventory of our lives. We all must someday face the reality that this life will come to an end and only that which is done for Christ will last. May we follow the words of Solomon and live our lives with a holy fear of God.

Countenance of the Wise-
(wisdom makes his face to shine)
• Understanding what is really important in life
• Wisdom from God- the light of God shines
• Shine for Jesus- Our countenance reveals spirit
Council to Obey- (keep the king’s commandment)
• Maintaining respect for authority even when we don’t agree
• Obey them that govern over you- maintain civil rest
• Better to obey God than man
Comprehend God’s Time- (discerns both time and judgment)
• Chafe not under His providence
• God does all things right
• To every thing there is a season
Concern about the Future- (he knows not that which shall be)
• Those who seek a sign- astrology (the way of the wicked)
• Be not anxious for tomorrow- sufficient is the day…
Control of Life is Gods- (no man hath power…)
• Only God can give life and maintain it
• He knows the number of our days
Confronting Death- (there is no discharge…)
• Life is life a vapor- a shadow passing
• All will face death- there is no avoiding this enemy
• Christ has overcome death- we can be victor
Coarse of Wicked Leaders- (they were forgotten…)
• The dangers of being elevated to a position of authority
• Come and gone from the place of the holy
Continuation of Evil- (fully set … to do evil)
• Presumption of God’s mercy
• False security leads to recklessness and uncheck behavior
Coming Judgment- (it shall not be well with the wicked)
• For the righteous there is no fear to them that fear God
• The day of reckoning for the Godless-wicked

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