Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cain and Abel -Accountability

Genesis 4:3-16
Sin has no limits and boundaries. The blood relationship between Cain and Abel was severed because sin lurked in the heart of Cain. It is foolish to thinks that one can hide their secret deeds of sin from God. It did not matter what Cain thought or how he chose to justify his sin, the blood of Abel cried out from the ground until it reached the ear of God. Accountability is required of all men. Denying responsibility for deeds done in the flesh, does not release us from giving an account for the way we have chosen to live our lives. God is just and holy and judges all men fairly. What has God required of you? What sacrifice have you laid on the altar before Him? The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. But unto Cain He had no respect.

Abel’s Offering Unto the Lord- Brought an offering unto the Lord
• God instituted the blood sacrifice
• Family teaching of God’s commands
• The void in the heart. A desire for fellowship/relationship

Acceptable Unto God- The Lord had respect unto Able
• It is not your best that God wants, but your obedience
• Sincerity is good, but it is not enough
• It does matter how you worship God- heart and character
• By Faith- Faith in what? God’s command requires blood.
• False worship at its’ roots, is driven by self. I’ll do it my way!

Anger and uncontrollable emotions- Cain rose up.
• Sin at Cain’s door. Murder is motivated by hate, not judgment
• Anger, human emotion- Why are you angry? Sin, injustice, or is it for selfish reasons.

Accountable to God
- Where is Able?
• So how is it between you and your brother?
• What have you done to try and reconcile?
• We our keepers and must be accountable one to anther.

Avenger of Sin- Now art thou cursed.
• Cursed form the earth
• Fugitive and vagabond
• God’s mercy still prevailed- the mark of protection
• The presence of God is departed.- Away for His presence is the greatest of all curses.

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