Saturday, March 31, 2007

Jesus The Healer

Mark 1:21-34

The ministry of Jesus is summarized in what He did for humanity. He served, sacrificed, and suffered for others that they all may have the opportunity to be saved from sorrow, sadness, and sin.
Sickness is brought upon man by diseases that attack the body. The effects of sin in the world, is to bring death to that which lives. When sickness came upon people it was assumed that the person had committed sin, therefore sickness was the punishment. Christ cleared up this misconception when he said, “Neither did this man sin or his parents…” We often don’t understand why sickness falls to a person, but we can trust God that such events are fulfilling a divine purpose.
Jesus came to heal the broken in body and spirit. He came to make life whole. His healing power goes beyond making the body well, but reaches to the depth of the soul where sickness is rebuked and the healing power of God’s forgiveness is administered. Have you experience the healing power of Christ in your life?

Capernaum is open
(went into Capernaum)
• Nazareth rejects Christ
• The harvest was ready for reaping in Capernaum
• Do we have an open heart to the works of Christ?
Church gathering (into the synagogue)
• The Christian Sabbath- Day of worship
• A place to be feed by His Word
• Open to all classes of people
Christ Authority (as one that has authority)
• He was the Word- The author of truth
• He did not explain the law- he proclaimed it
Casting out of sin (come out of him)
• Sinners in the Church- Are they welcomed?
• The rebuking of Satan- evil spirits cast doubt and fear
• Showing forth the power of Christ- The power of the Church
Caring for believers (he took her hand)
• Especially to the household of faith
• Peter witness- Casting, all your cares upon Him, for…
• Is Christ the master of your home?
Compassion for all (he healed many)
• Sharing the Grace of God
• Love them into the Kingdom- I have no other choice.
• His healing power is for whosoever will
• All need healing, for all come short of the Glory of God.

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