Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Man, The Crown of God's Creation

Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:7-9, 16-24
In a world that refuses to acknowledge God as Lord, it is not surprising that it has rejected the Biblical creation of the earth and the fullness of life. How wonderful and marvelous is the handy work of God. One only need to consider the complexity of life, to be convinced that such development would require a miracle of super natural proportion. At the pinnacle of God’s creation, Man and women are set apart. For into man, the Godhead formed humanity into His likeness and breathed the breath of eternity making man a living soul. This is something the humanistic scientist cannot explain. I choose to believe in the authority of God's Word. "He said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me". If the account given to us here in Genesis is not true, then Christ dying on the cross for my salvation is in vain. Man was created a moral agent with the ability to choose to serve God or reject God.
When God was finished with His handy work "...God saw every thing that He had made and behold it was very good”

The Godhead- Let us
• Elohim-plural
• Christ, in whom all things are created
• The Spirit of God move across the waters
Two Accounts
• Overview
• Closer view
Created from the earth
• Element of the earth
• The breath of God-the intimacy of creation
• A Living soul- the part of humans that makes them the crown
The Garden
• Pleasant- a good place to be- provides a way to satisfy
• The tree of Life-
• The tree of knowledge- good and evil
• God gave the freedom of choice- Consequence of choices
Adam names the animals
• Whatsoever Adam called them
• Adam observed the relationship of nature
The Creation of Woman
• Put Adam to sleep
• Took a rib from him
The Principle of Marriage relationship
• Leave your Father and Mother
• Cleave one to another
• Become on flesh

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