Sunday, September 16, 2007

Vanity and Vexation

September 9th, 2007
Eccl. 1:12-2:4,10,11
Solomon, known to be the wisest man who every lived to his day. Unfortunately, he failed to apply his own knowledge and wisdom to his own life. Solomon comes to the end of his life and reflects back with dissatisfaction. What has been gain from the fruit of his labor? He realizes that he obtained everything that the world had to offer and he still was left empty. His pursuit for life’s purpose and meaning could not be found in earthly mean or worldly satisfaction. He set his affection on things below and not on thing above. Such is the case with all who seek lasting joy and contentment in this life. It is only through seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness that one finds fulfillment. Jesus said, “I am come that they (mankind) might have life, and that they (mankind) might have it more abundantly.” The abundant life can only be found through Christ, all else is vain and vexation when seeking true meaning and joy in this life.

Prestige or position (king over Israel)
• Being known and held up in high esteem
• Having rank or power
Philosophy of the world (my heart had wisdom and knowledge)
• Thinking- expanding the mind- looking within
• Wisdom- knowing what is right prudent
• Knowledge- obtaining information and retaining
Powerlessness of Man (cannot be made straight)
• Man’s inability to make himself right
• Man is corrupt and sinful and in need of a sinless Savior
Pleasures or enjoyment of life (pleasure is also vanity)
• Have a sense of good feelings-“Happiness”
• Amusement and entertainment
Sinful satisfactions
Prosperity or possessing worldly gain
(I am come to great estate)
• Seeking fortune
• Things and material wealth
Production by my hand (I made me great works)
• Job satisfaction
• Place of employment

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