Saturday, March 17, 2007

Esau Sells His Birthright

Genesis 25:27-34

The birthright that was handed down was to be given to the firstborn male in the family. Esau, by right of birth was to be given this privilege. He regarded his birthright with contempt. Such are those who are willing to sell their soul to fulfill the appetites of the flesh. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” The words of Jesus, teach us that we should value our soul as our greatest treasure.
The cunningness of Jacob teaches us that it is never right to accomplish God’s purposes in a wrong way. Instead of being still and waiting on God, Jacob acted with deceitful human intervention. God’s will, should never be enacted in a way that is contrary to His Word.

Personalities of Esau and Jacob (cunning hunter…plain man)
• Contrast between the two boys
• We are made in His image with unique personal traits
• The person of Christ is united with our personality
• We our made to glorify God
Preferring behavior (loved Esau…loved Jacob)
• All are made equal in the eyes of God
• Love should be measured out in equal portions
• Showing equal respect to all person –James 2:9
Preparation in the Human (Jacob sod pottage)
• Circumvent and manipulation
• Getting ahead of God
• Forcing the will of God, instead of waiting
Pottage exchanged (he sold his birthright)
• The traps of the enemy- Beware, Satan is cunning
• Keeping our bodies under subjection
• What shall a man give in exchange for his soul
Profaning of the Birthright (Esau despised...)
• Walked away from his birthright (rejection of Christ)
• Regard his soul with little worth
• Ignored his most valuable treasure
• Neglecting the condition of the soul
• May we guard our hearts with all diligence

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