Sunday, September 16, 2007

Job's Confidence

August 12th, 2007
Job 19:1-11, 19-27
In the shadow of despair and hopelessness, Job sees a ray of light shining through the dark clouds that surrounded him. He sternly rebukes those who have accused him wrongly and stands firm in his belief that he has done nothing that would cause the torrent of calamities that he is facing. He still does not understand why God is allowing all the pain and suffering, but he maintains his integrity toward God and is confident that God will see him through. We often go through trails and hardships without understanding the purpose, but God who stands alone as all knowing will judge right in the end. We may never know all the reasons why, but we can know that God lives and He is ultimately in control.

Agony of soul

• Beyond physical pain
• Rebuke those who cause more suffering
Accepting of fault
• “ I could be wrong, but it is not God’s Fault”
• We must always realize that we might be mistaken
Ascribe his suffering from God
• All things do come from God
• Caught in the net of God without know why
Anguish and hopeless
• Fence up- no where to go, no hope for the future
• A Tree uprooted with no hope to live again
Abhorred by friends
• When Friend turn on you
• Don’t give pity, but show compassion and sympathy
Affirming of our faith
• Epitaph of our life- Let it be know
• Though He slay, still he lives
Avenger of right
• God will make all thing right
• We live not for this world, but for the world to come
• Like the beggar, our reward may be in the life after.

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