Sunday, January 14, 2007

Adam's Sin

Gen. 3:1-15
What is sin? What did Adam do that made God so upset? Sin became part of the nature of the human race when Adam and Eve willfully did what God told them not to do. They missed the mark because they took their eyes and attention off of God. It is understood, that eating fruit, in of itself was not sinful. There was plenteous fruit in the garden that they had the pleasure of partaking. But, they began to question the words of God that had already been made clear to them. Satan, taking the form of a serpent was subtle. He only needed to make a suggestion whereby planting a seed of doubt in their minds. We must always be on guard that we don’t take God’s Word and twist it to our own devices.
The Serpent
• He is subtle and cunning
• Can appear as an angel of light
• He is real- speaking to mankind
• Don’t give him the time- “Get thee behind me”
The Women
• Eve began to collaborate with God’s enemy
• She knew what God required- Even added some externals “neither shall ye touch it”
• Eve listen to Satan’s take scripture out of context
• Eve saw the appeal to what Satan suggested
• Eve took what was forbidden- willful act- 1st barrier- touched
• Eve ate the forbidden- defied God’s command- Sin enacted
• Adam did not take a stand
• Speculate- What would have happen if Adam did not partake and Eve did?
• Adam was even more responsible- It would be like Moses partaking of Israel’s
• Deviance
The Consequence of Disobeying God
• They became aware of their shame
• They began to avoid God’s presence
• They became fearful
• They pass the blame- They would not take responsibility
The Promise of Redemption
• The plan to bring them back into the graces of God
• God’s desire is and always will be is to have fellowship with His creation- True love is a choice to have fellowship

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