Monday, May 28, 2007

Crying Out To Jesus

Mark 7:24-37

In desperation, it is not uncommon for people to cry out for help. The cry it not always a literal shout or calling out. It often is the silent aching of the soul that looks for fulfillment or searches for answers to life’s many questions. Crying implies that there is a demonstration of strong emotions and a tense focus on a particular need. There is a singleness of mind and determination to get the attention of someone to give aid or warn of pending danger. Everything else in life fades when compared the immediate need. Through out the Word of God we find examples of men and women crying out to God for help. In almost all situations, the person finds themselves unable to help themselves. David, the great Psalmist gives us many examples of such desperate calling out to God for help. “My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God”. Psalm 84:2b. In our lesson today, we find a women crying out to Jesus to free her daughter from unclean spirits. In the other example, a group of concern individuals beseech Jesus to bring healing to the deaf and dumb man. In both cases, Jesus saw their need and faith in Him to answer.
Proclaiming of Christ –vs.25 (she heard of Him)
• How can they hear unless someone tells

Pursuing a remedy- vs.25 (she came)
• She went out looking
• Searching in the right place- Must be more than sincerity
Prostrated before Christ- vs.25 (fell at His feet)
• Realize her inadequacy
• Be merciful to me a sinner- Only Christ is able
Pleading for a need- vs.26, 32
• She besought Him
• They beseeched Jesus
Putting her in her place- vs.27 (it is no meet)
• All have sinned- Unrighteous before God.
• We must humble ourselves- He shall lift us up
Persistent in prayer- vs.28 (yes Lord, yet)
• Holding on and willing to take whatever God has for us
• Importunity- We must not let up- “ I will not be denied”
Procuring through divine intervention- vs. 29, 33, 34
• Let God decide how to solve the problem- “He said”
• His way is best- Let go and let God be God- “He spit”
Promise from the Savior- vs.30 (devil gone out) vs.35 (he spake)
• From the lip of Christ- He said it.
Publishing the works of Christ- vs. 36 (they published it)
• It is only natural to let others know.

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