Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Child of God- Free From Sin

1 John 3:1-10
Oct. 21, 2007
The debate among believers in Christ concerning this subject baffles me. The question weather a Christian can sin and remain a Christian should be easy to answer. God’s Word is clear on this point. Many will try and twist the Word of God to justify their own behavior, but John is incontestable and unequivocal concerning this matter. “He that is born of God does not commit sin.” This does not mean that it is impossible for a Christian to sin, but as long as a Christians abides in Christ, allowing Christ to live and take control, he will not transgress the known will of God. If he does, he does have an advocate with the father, to restore one back into fellowship, but one must petition Christ and asked for forgiveness.
Abounding Love (what manner of love)
• For God so loved…
• His love reaches deeper than the stain of sin
Adopted of God (sons of God)
• Identify as a child of God- part of God’s family
• The world (society w/o God) lack of understanding
Appearing of Christ (He shall appear)
• Doubts of humanity being part of heavenly
• When faith shall become sight- we shall be like him
Acts of Sin (commits sin)
• The duty of man – to be set apart from sin
• Breaking the laws of God is unrighteous
• Sin- a willful transgression against the KNOWN will of God
Away with Sin (take away our sins)
• Jesus, sinless lamb of God made the supreme sacrifice
• Jesus came and died to take away sin
Abiding in Him (whosever abides)
• Christ is the vine, we are the branches
• John 15- If ye keep my commandments…
Affiliating with the Devil (is of the devil)
• Practicing sin is of the devil- One sin or many sins
• Disobedience leads to unbelief- Sin of Adam and Eve
• Unbelief and faithlessness does not please God
Avoiding Sin (does not commit sin)
• Born of God- Marvel not, ye must be born again
• Cannot commit sin if Christ abides within- spiritual life
Attributes of a Child of God (in this the children of God are manifest)
• If you break God’s commandments, you are no longer of God
• Ye shall know them by their fruit. If ye love me keep…
• Manifest by the way we love- Behold how they love…

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