Sunday, February 4, 2007

God's Covenant with Noah

Genesis 9:8-17

Scientifically, the rainbow that appears in the sky after a rain shower is merely the result of the sun hitting water droplets. The sunlight is then divided into its many different colors resulting in a beautiful spectrum of colors in the shape of a “bow”. Critics of God’s Word have scoffed and ridiculed the claims of the origin of the rainbow given to us here in scripture. The assumption is a rainbow never appeared until after the flood. I don’t claim to know and understand the exact interpretation given to us in this account, but this I know, God gave the rainbow to Noah and mankind as a reminder of His everlasting covenant. He is true to His word and He will keep His promises.

Establishing a Covenant vs.9
• Individual and personal promises “I will make you…”
• Social promises “If my people…”
• His creation- all living things

Everlasting Covenant vs. 16
• The earth shall not be destroyed again by water.
• Scientific and political controversy of “Global warming”
• A token, a sign to remind us of His Faithfulness
• Promises that are handed down from generation to generation

Entering into Covenants “I will”
• God initiated the covenant
• God always keep His side of the promise
• Sacredness of making covenants
• The lack of covenant making
• Keeping our promises

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