Saturday, February 24, 2007

God's Promise to Abram

Genesis 15:5-18

God has committed Himself to keep His Word. He has declared and assured those that put their trust in Him that He will do what He says He will do. Abram, a man who believed that God had called him to leave the land of his fathers, now entreats his God to give him some assurance that God’s promises are still true. God is not slack concerning His promises as some men count slackness. He rewards them that diligently seek Him. God had promised Abram that his seed would be as the stars in the heavens. The fulfillment of such a promise, in the eyes of Abram began to grow deem as his life began to set in the western skies. But, God keeps His promises, once again makes Himself real to Abram and assures him that He has not been forgotten.

Renewing of the Promise-(look now toward the heavens)
• The Faithfulness of God
• When God speaks, so shall it be
• Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s Word …
Righteousness of Abram (counted it to him for righteousness)
• He Believed in the Lord
• He knew whom he served
• He was considered righteous because his faith was steadfast
Request by Abram (whereby shall I know)
• The human element to faith
• Discouraged, but not defeated
• A sign from God often will help seal a promise
Required Worship (he took unto him all these..)
• Gathering of the sacrifice
• Go to the place of worship- truth is often reveal in worship
• Divine-appointment, simple- ritual and sacrificial-substance
• Believing-spirit, patient-waiting, and expectant-attitude
Revelation of the Promise (know of surety..)
• Horror of darkness- feeling of uncertainty- The unknown
• The enemies intimation- The hindrances to see God
• The prophecies of a great nation
• The promise of return
Reassurance Given (unto thy seed have I given..)
• The promise of God giving Abram’s seed
• The promise of the land
• It is God that makes this promise
• God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me.

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