Saturday, January 27, 2007

Noah and the Ark

Gen: 6:9-22

The flood of the earth as describe in scripture has been a point of debate for many years and among many scholars. When, how, and where this event took place, certainly makes for good conversation and discussion. But, it is not are indent here to discuss such issues. It is sufficient to say that God was displeased with the way man was living. He found a man who was righteous and willing to warn others of the judgment to come and to build an ark of safety. God, the creator of earth destroyed the earth with water, sparing Noah and his family from the destruction. Like Noah, we also can find grace in the eyes of God through Christ Jesus who is our “Ark of Safety”

Character of Noah (just and perfect v9)
• Among his contemporaries he lived just
• Our responsibility to live holy and just in this present age
Condition of the World (it was corrupt v11)
• The conduct of the human race was sinful in God’s sight
• The world was filled with violence
• Humanity is filled with hatred and lust for blood
• Such is the entertainment world of our generation
• Everywhere we turn, we find sin as the norm of life- acceptable
Condemning of the World (end of all flesh is come v13)
• The mercy of the Lord has come to an end
• Destroyed with water – deep of the earth and heavens above
• As it was in the day of Noah, so shall it be….
Construction of the Ark (this is the fashion v15)
• 430ftL x 75ftW x 45ftH- gopher wood and pitch
• Windows at the top for ventilation
• Door at the side- 3 stories or 3 tiers
• Ark of Safety- Christ is our rock, fortress, shelter in time storm
Covenant to Noah (I establish my covenant v18)
• God’s promise to Noah that he and is family would be spared
• As long as we stay in the “Ark” we will be protected.
Collecting of Species (two of every sort thou shall bring v19)
• Male and female – procreation
• Keep them alive through the provisions that were gathered
Commandment is followed (thus Noah did v22)
• Obedience is crucial if we are to maintain His grace
• According to God and not man- Follow Christ, not man.

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